Upgrading Minor Versions

From time to time new versions of ActiveX/Java Uploader with new features and bug fixes are released. This topic discusses how to upgrade minor versions of ActiveX/Java Uploader properly.

The way to upgrade ActiveX/Java Uploader depends on the used wrapper:

ActiveX/Java Uploader ASP.NET

If ActiveX/Java Uploader is embedded using the ASP.NET wrapper, all you need to update ActiveX/Java Uploader is copying new Aurigma.ImageUploader.dll to the /bin folder of your application instead of the old one.

ActiveX/Java Uploader PHP

To update ActiveX/Java Uploader embedded with PHP wrapper just replace the /ImageUploaderPHP folder with a new one.

ActiveX/Java Uploader JavaScript

If you use JavaScript wrapper, you should copy a new /Scripts folder to your application.

See Also
