This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

metadata.valueSeparator Property

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a sequence of characters used to separate strings stored in one metadata field (such as IptcKeyword).


JavaScript Initialize
: {
//...other params...
: " ",
//...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
= $au.uploader('uploaderID').metadata().valueSeparator();

Property Value

Type: String

The sequence of characters used to separate strings stored in one metadata field.

Default value is " ".


Some metadata fields like IptcKeyword can contain multiple string values. Suppose, you upload an image which contains several keywords: portrait, old photo, black and white. All these keywords are stored in one IptcKeyword field. If you specified this field for upload (using the iptc property) the IptcKeyword_0 POST field will contain all these keywords gathered into one string separated with this property value. For example, if you set it to the ";" you will get the "portrait;old photo;black and white" POST field value.

See Also
