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metadata.iptc Property

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a list of IPTC fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.


JavaScript Initialize
: {
//...other params...
: "",
//...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
= $au.uploader('uploaderID').metadata().iptc();

Property Value

Type: String

The string containing IPTC field names which you want to extract, separated with a semicolon.

You will find possible names of IPTC fields in the table below.

Field nameDescription
IptcBylineThe name of the creator of the image, e.g. artist, photographer, etc.
IptcBylineTitleThe byline title (e.g. staff photographer, correspondent, etc).
IptcCreditThe provider of the image.
IptcSourceThe original owner of the intellectual content of this image.
IptcObjectNameThe short reference for the object.
IptcDateCreatedThe date the image (as an intellectual content, rather than physical file) created.
IptcCityThe city of the image origin.
IptcStateThe state/province of the image origin.
IptcCountryThe country of the image origin.
IptcOriginalTransmissionReferenceThe location of the original transmission.
IptcCopyrightNoticeThe copyright notice.
IptcCaptionThe textual description of the image.
IptcWriterThe name of editor or other person involved in the writing.
IptcHeadlineThe brief overview for the image.
IptcSpecialInstructionsSome custom editorial instructions.
IptcCategoryThe image category.
IptcSupplementaryCategoryThe supplementary category for the image.
IptcUrgencyThe editorial urgency of the content.
IptcKeywordThe keywords used for search.

All date values have the following format: YYYYMMDD. E.g. 11th of May 2006 would be represented as: 20060511.

For more information about interpretation of these values, refer to IPTC specification (version 4.1 is currently supported).

Default value is "".


To get an uploaded IPTC value at the server, you should extract POST field which is named in the following way: XXX_N, where XXX is a string value specified in this property (IPTC field name), and N is the index of the file in the request. E.g. if the property value is IptcCountry;IptcCity;IptcObjectName, you will get the following POST fields:

  • IptcCountry_1, IptcCountry_2, etc.
  • IptcCity_1, IptcCity_2, etc.
  • IptcObjectName_1, IptcObjectName_2, etc.

If you prefer to extract IPTC fields on the server, you can get them from the original file, or specify to preserve IPTC fields in the thumbnails you are going to upload. To do it, use the thumbnailCopyIptc property.

See Also
