Gets or sets a list of EXIF fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.
$au.uploader({Get/Set Value at Runtime
metadata: {
//...other params...
exif: "",
//...other params...
value = $au.uploader('uploaderID').metadata().exif();
Type: String
The string containing EXIF field names which you want to extract, separated with a semicolon.
You will find possible names of EXIF fields in the table below.
Field name | Description |
ExifApertureValue | The lens aperture (in APEX units). |
ExifArtist | The name of photographer or image creator. |
ExifBitsPerSample | The number of bits per image component. |
ExifBrightnessValue | The brightness value (in APEX units). |
ExifCFAPattern | The color filter pattern. |
ExifColorSpace | The color space of the image. |
ExifComponentsConfiguration | The order of pixel channels (components). |
ExifCompressedBitsPerPixel | The number of bits per pixel in the compressed image. |
ExifCompression | The compression type. |
ExifContrast | The contrast settings applied when images was captured. |
ExifCopyright | The copyright information. |
ExifCustomRendered | Value that indicates that special processing was applied to the image. |
ExifDateTime | The date and time of image creation. |
ExifDateTimeDigitized | The date and time when the image was converted into digital representation. |
ExifDateTimeOriginal | The date and time when the original file was created. |
ExifDeviceSettingDescription | The description of the image capturing device settings. |
ExifDigitalZoomRatio | The digital zoom ratio. |
ExifExifVersion | The version of the EXIF specification this data is stored at. |
ExifExposureBiasValue | The exposure bias (in APEX units). |
ExifExposureIndex | The exposure index of the device when image is being captured. |
ExifExposureMode | The exposure mode. |
ExifExposureProgram | The exposure program. |
ExifExposureTime | The exposure time (in seconds). |
ExifFileSource | The image source. |
ExifFlash | The flash status. |
ExifFlashEnergy | The flash energy (in BCPS). |
ExifFlashPixVersion | The version of FlashPix format. |
ExifFNumber | The F number. |
ExifFocalLength | The focal length of the lens (in millimeters). |
ExifFocalLengthIn35mmFilm | The focal length of the lens assuming 35mm film camera is used (in millimeters). |
ExifFocalPlaneResolutionUnit | The unit to measure focal plane resolution with (i.e. ExifFocalPlaneXResolution and ExifFocalPlaneYResolution). |
ExifFocalPlaneXResolution | The horizontal resolution of the camera focal plane. |
ExifFocalPlaneYResolution | The vertical resolution of the camera focal plane. |
ExifGainControl | The overall image gain adjustment. |
ExifGpsAltitude | The altitude. |
ExifGpsAltitudeRef | The altitude reference. |
ExifGpsAreaInformation | The name of GPS area. |
ExifGpsDateStamp | The GPS datestamp. |
ExifGpsDestBearing | The bearing to the destination point (in degrees). |
ExifGpsDestBearingRef | The reference for giving the bearing to the destination point. |
ExifGpsDestDistance | The distance to the destination point. |
ExifGpsDestDistanceRef | The unit for distance to the destination point. |
ExifGpsDestLatitude | The destination point latitude. |
ExifGpsDestLatitudeRef | The destination point latitude reference (north or south). |
ExifGpsDestLongitude | The destination point longitude. |
ExifGpsDestLongitudeRef | The destination point longitude reference (west or east). |
ExifGpsDifferential | The GPS differential correction. |
ExifGpsDOP | The GPS data degree of precision. |
ExifGpsImgDirection | The direction of the image when it was captured (in degrees). |
ExifGpsImgDirectionRef | The reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured. |
ExifGpsLatitude | The latitude. |
ExifGpsLatitudeRef | The latitude reference (north or south). |
ExifGpsLongitude | The longitude. |
ExifGpsLongitudeRef | The longitude reference (west or east). |
ExifGpsMapDatum | The geodetic survey data. |
ExifGpsMeasureMode | The GPS measurement mode. |
ExifGpsProcessingMethod | The name of GPS processing method. |
ExifGpsSatellites | The details about GPS satellites used in measurement. |
ExifGpsSpeed | The speed of the GPS receiver movement. |
ExifGpsSpeedRef | The Unit for speed of movement of GPS receiver. |
ExifGpsStatus | The status of GPS receiver when image was recorded. |
ExifGpsTimeStamp | The GPS timestamp (in UTC). |
ExifGpsTrack | The direction of GPS receiver movement (in degrees). |
ExifGpsTrackRef | The reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. |
ExifGpsVersionID | The version of the GPSVersionID tag. |
ExifImageDescription | The title of the image. |
ExifImageHeight | The height of the image in pixels. |
ExifImageUniqueID | The 128-bit unique ID of the image. |
ExifImageWidth | The width of the image in pixels. |
ExifInteroperabilityIndex | The index of interoperability rule. |
ExifISOSpeedRatings | The ISO speed and the ISO latitude of the device. |
ExifLightSource | The light source. |
ExifMake | The name of manufacturer of the camera (or other recording equipment). |
ExifMakerNote | The custom comments. May contain any information maker want to store. |
ExifMaxApertureValue | The smallest F of the lens (in APEX units). |
ExifMeteringMode | The metering mode. |
ExifModel | The name of the model of the camera (or other recording equipment). |
ExifOECF | The opto-electronic conversion function. |
ExifOrientation | The orientation of image (how it is rotated relative to the top left corner). |
ExifPhotometricInterpretation | The pixel composition. |
ExifPixelXDimension | The valid width of the meaningful image. |
ExifPixelYDimension | The valid height of the meaningful image. |
ExifPlanarConfiguration | The planar configuration of the pixel components (planar or chunky). |
ExifPrimaryChromaticities | The chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image. |
ExifReferenceBlackWhite | The reference for black and white point of the image. |
ExifRelatedSoundFile | The name of an audio file associated with this image. |
ExifResolutionUnit | The unit image resolution is measured in (i.e. ExifXResolution and ExifYResolution). |
ExifRowsPerStrip | Rows per strip (if image is divided into strips). |
ExifSamplesPerPixel | The number of components (channels) in one pixel. |
ExifSaturation | The saturation settings applied when images was captured. |
ExifSceneCaptureType | The type of scene was captured by camera (landscape, night scene, portrait, etc). |
ExifSceneType | The type of scene. |
ExifSensingMethod | The sensor type of the device. |
ExifSharpness | The sharpness settings applied when images was captured. |
ExifShutterSpeed | The shutter speed (in APEX units). |
ExifSoftware | The name of the software that created this image. |
ExifSpatialFrequencyResponse | The spatial frequency response values. |
ExifSpectralSensitivity | The spectral sensitivity. |
ExifStripByteCounts | The total number of bytes in one strip. |
ExifStripOffsets | The bitmap stride (byte offset between strips). |
ExifSubjectArea | The subject area. |
ExifSubjectDistance | The distance to the subject (in meters). |
ExifSubjectDistanceRange | The kind of distance to the subject (macro, close, or distant). |
ExifSubjectLocation | The location of the main subject in the scene. |
ExifSubSecTime | The fractions of seconds for the ExifDateTime field. |
ExifSubSecTimeDigitized | The fractions of seconds for the ExifDateTimeDigitized field. |
ExifSubSecTimeOriginal | The fractions of seconds for the ExifDateTimeOriginal field. |
ExifThumbnailBitsPerSample | The number of bits per channel in the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailCompression | The compression type of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailHeight | The height of the thumbnail in pixel. |
ExifThumbnailOrientation | The orientation of the thumbnail (how it is rotated relative to the top left corner). |
ExifThumbnailPhotometricInterpretation | The pixel composition of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailResolutionUnit | The unit thumbnail resolution is measured in (i.e.ExifThumbnailXResolution and ExifThumbnailYResolution). |
ExifThumbnailRowsPerStrip | Rows per strip in the thumbnail (if thumbnail is divided into strips). |
ExifThumbnailSamplesPerPixel | The number of components (channels) in one pixel of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailStripByteCounts | The total number of bytes in one strip of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailStripOffsets | The thumbnail stride (byte offset between strips). |
ExifThumbnailWidth | The width of the thumbnail in pixels. |
ExifThumbnailXResolution | The horizontal resolution of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailYResolution | The vertical resolution of the thumbnail. |
ExifTransferFunction | The transfer function in tabular form. |
ExifUserComment | The additional comments or keywords on the image available for users. |
ExifWhiteBalance | The mode of the white balance when the image was captured. |
ExifWhitePoint | The white point of the image. |
ExifXResolution | The horizontal resolution of the image. |
ExifYCbCrCoefficients | The coefficients used during the transformation between RGB and YCbCr colorspaces. |
ExifYCbCrPositioning | The position of chrominance components relative to the luminosity component. |
ExifYCbCrSubSampling | Sampling ratio of the chrominance components relative to the luminosity component. |
ExifYResolution | The vertical resolution of the image. |
All date/time values have the following format: YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss
. E.g. 11th of May 2006, 2:40PM would be represented as: 2006:05:11 14:40:00
For more details regarding interpretation of these values, refer to the EXIF specification.
Default value is "".
To get an uploaded EXIF value at the server, you should extract POST field which is named in the following way: XXX_N
, where XXX is a string value
specified in this property (EXIF field name), and N is the index of the file in the request. E.g. if the property value is ExifDateTime;ExifOrientation;ExifModel
, you
will get the following POST fields:
, ExifDateTime_2
, etc.ExifOrientation_1
, ExifOrientation_2
, etc.ExifModel_1
, ExifModel_2
, etc.If you need to send/recieve custom EXIF tags (such tags are not mentioned in the table above), such as Windows Title tag, you can perform it in the following way:
as a field nameExifCustom_ID_1
, ExifCustom_ID_2
, and etc. PackageFields keysHere is the list of windows-specific tags, which values can be set via the properties tab of an image:
Hexadecimal Tag ID | Property Field |
9c9b | Title |
9c9c | Comments |
9c9d | Authors |
9c9e | Tags |
9c9f | Subject |
If you prefer to extract EXIF fields on the server, you can get them from the original file, or specify to preserve EXIF fields in the thumbnails you are going to upload. To do this, use the thumbnailCopyExif property.