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ImageUploader.UploadThumbnail2Watermark Property

Supported in: ActiveX , Java

Watermark for the second thumbnail.



<script type="text/javascript" src="iuembed.js">  </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var iu = new ImageUploaderWriter("ImageUploaderID", 610, 500);
//...other params...
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2Watermark", "");
//...other params...

Get/Set Value in Runtime

value = getImageUploader("ImageUploaderID").getUploadThumbnail2Watermark();

Property Value

A string value that specifies watermark settings for the second thumbnail. Watermark string syntax is described in the Remarks section.

If an empty string is specified, watermark will not be drawn on this thumbnail.

Default value is "".


The watermark string consists of several variables separated with a semicolon:


The following variables are supported:

Variable Description

Watermark text. If the text contains semicolon or quotation mark characters enclose it in single (' ') or double (" ") quotes. Additionally, quotation marks (both single ' and double ") inside the text should be escaped with a backslash. For example, to get a Andrew's Photos; Vacation text, set this variable as follows:

Text="Andrew\'s Photos; Vacation"

Default value is an empty string.


Font name. This font should be installed on the client machine. That's why it is highly recommended to use some generic font like Arial, Verdana, etc.

Default value is Arial.


Url to an image that will be used as the watermark. If a non-empty value is specified, ImageWidth and ImageHeight should also be specified.

Default value is an empty string.

When the image watermark is specified, the following parameter also make sense:

  • Position
  • OffsetX
  • OffsetY
  • Opacity
  • Background
  • BackgroundColor

Width of the image that will be used as the watermark. Makes sense only if the ImageUrl parameter is non-empty.

The image will be resized to the specified dimensions as an ordinary thumbnail, that is, the image can only be downsized, and its proportions are kept.


Height of the image that will be used as the watermark. Makes sense only if the ImageUrl parameter is non-empty.

The image will be resized to the specified dimensions as an ordinary thumbnail, that is, the image can only be downsized, and its proportions are kept.


Watermark position. It can take one of the following values:

  • TopLeft - watermark will be drawn in the top left corner of an image.
  • TopCenter - watermark will be drawn in the center of the top of an image.
  • TopRight - watermark will be drawn in the right top corner of an image.
  • CenterLeft - watermark will be drawn in the center of the left edge of an image.
  • Center - watermark will be drawn in the center of an image.
  • CenterRight - watermark will be drawn in the center of the right edge of an image.
  • BottomLeft - watermark will be drawn in the bottom left corner of an image.
  • BottomCenter - watermark will be drawn in the center of the bottom of an image.
  • BottomRight - watermark will be drawn in the bottom right corner of an image.

Default value is BottomRight.


Font size (in pixels).

Default value is 12.


Horizontal offset (in pixels) of the watermark relatively the position it is anchored to (according to the Position variable).


If horizontal position is left or center, coordinates direction is left-to-right. If it is right, coordinates direction is flipped to right-to-left.

Default value is 0 (no offset).


Vertical offset (in pixels) of the watermark relatively the position it is anchored to (according to the Position variable).


If vertical position is top or center, coordinates direction is top-to-bottom. If it is bottom, coordinates direction is flipped to bottom-to-top.

Default value is 0 (no offset).


Font style. The following styles are supported:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underlined

You can specify several styles separated with a comma. Example:


Default value is an empty string (regular font is used).


Watermark opacity percentage. If 0, the watermark is totally transparent. If 100, the watermark is opaque. Values between 0 and 100 will produce watermark with various level of transparency.

This value works for all elements of watermark. There is no way to configure different opacity for background, text outline and text fill.

Default value is 100.


Whether to draw a background under the text.

Default value is false.


Background color. It has the same syntax as all Image Uploader color properties (i.e. HTML-style #rrggbb RGB value). Makes sense only if the Background variable is set to true.

Default value is #ffffff (white color).


Width of additional space outside of the watermark filled with background (in pixels). Makes sense only if the Background variable is set to true.

Default value is 0.


Height of additional space outside of the watermark filled with background (in pixels). Makes sense only if the Background variable is set to true.

Default value is 0.


Whether to draw outline around the text.

Default value is false.


Text outline color. It has the same syntax as all Image Uploader color properties (i.e. HTML-style #rrggbb RGB value). Makes sense only if the Outline variable is set to true.

Default value is #ffffff (white color).


Width of the text outline if the Outline variable is sent to true.

Default value is 1.


Whether to draw fill the text.

Default value is true.


Font color. It has the same syntax as all Image Uploader color properties (i.e. HTML-style #rrggbb RGB value). Makes sense only if the Fill variable is set to true.

Default value is #000000 (black color).


The watermark string is case insensitive.

Though you can set both image and text watermarks at the same time, it makes sense to use only one of them. For text watermarks the only required variable is Text. Here is an example of the watermark string which will draw green semi-transparent italic text Aurigma in the bottom left corner of an image:


For image watermarks ImageUrl, ImageWidth, and ImageHeight are required. Here is an example of semi-transparent logo drawn in the top tight corner of the image:

	"ImageUrl=http://localhost/AurigmaLogo.png;ImageWidth=86;ImageHeight=63;" +

Image URLs can be both absolute (e.g. ImageUrl= and relative to the current page (e.g. ImageUrl=/images/watermark.png).

For example, if Image Uploader is inserted to the page, the relative URLs specified via this property will correspond to the following locations.

Specified URLExpected Location

See Also

