Name | Description | |
AddFolderDialogButtonCancelText | Caption of the Cancel button on the dialog displayed when the folders are being added to the upload list. | |
AddFolderDialogButtonSkipAllText | Caption of the Skip All button on the dialog displayed when the folders are being added to the upload list. | |
AddFolderDialogButtonSkipText | Caption of the Skip button on the dialog displayed when folders are being added to the upload list. | |
AddFolderDialogTitleText | Title of the dialog displayed when folders are being added to the upload list. | |
AuthenticationRequestBasicText | Text of the message on the authentication dialog when basic authentication is used. | |
AuthenticationRequestButtonCancelText | Caption of the Cancel button on the authentication dialog. | |
AuthenticationRequestButtonOkText | Caption of the OK button on the authentication dialog. | |
AuthenticationRequestDomainText | Text of the Domain label on the authentication dialog. | |
AuthenticationRequestLoginText | Text of the Login label on the authentication dialog. | |
AuthenticationRequestNtlmText | Text of the message on the authentication dialog when NTLM authentication is used. | |
AuthenticationRequestPasswordText | Text of the Password label on the authentication dialog. | |
ButtonAddAllToUploadListText | Caption of the button which adds all files in the current folder to the upload list. | |
ButtonAddFilesText | Caption of the button which opens Open File dialog to select files for upload. | |
ButtonAddFoldersText | Caption of the button which opens the standard Open Folder dialog to add the entire folder content to the upload list. | |
ButtonAddToUploadListText | Caption of the button which adds selected files to the upload list. | |
ButtonAdvancedDetailsCancelText |
Caption of the Cancel button which is displayed in the AdvancedDetails view during upload.
ButtonCheckAllText |
Caption of Check All button which is dispayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is set to true .
The button sets check boxes for all files in the folder pane.
ButtonDeleteFilesText | Caption of the Delete Files button which deletes selected files from the file system. | |
ButtonDeselectAllText |
Caption of the button which deselects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes
layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is false .
ButtonPasteText | Text for the Paste button. | |
ButtonRemoveAllFromUploadListText | Caption of the button which removes all the files from the upload list. | |
ButtonRemoveFromUploadListText | Caption of the button which removes selected files from the upload list. | |
ButtonSelectAllText |
Caption of the button which selects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes
layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is false .
ButtonSendText | Caption of the button which starts the upload of the selected files. | |
ButtonStopText | Caption of the button which aborts the upload. | |
ButtonUncheckAllText |
Caption of Uncheck All button which is dispayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is set to true .
The button cleares check boxes for all files in the folder pane.
CmykImagesAreNotAllowedText | Text which appears instead of the description text field if the image is CMYK, when CMYK images are not allowed for the upload. | |
DeleteFilesDialogTitleText | Title of the dialog which asks the user to confirm that they really want to delete uploaded or selected files. | |
DeleteSelectedFilesDialogMessageText | The text of the message box which asks the user to confirm that they really want to delete selected files. | |
DeleteUploadedFilesDialogMessageText | The text of the message box which asks the user to confirm that they really want to delete uploaded files. | |
DescriptionEditorButtonCancelText | Text for the Cancel button of the description editor. | |
DescriptionEditorButtonOkText | Text on the OK button of the description editor. | |
DescriptionTooltipText | Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the description text field. | |
DimensionsAreTooLargeText | Text of the label displayed when image dimensions are larger than the ones specified with the MaxImageWidth and MaxImageHeight properties. | |
DimensionsAreTooSmallText | Text of the label displayed when image dimensions are smaller than the ones specified with the MinImageWidth and MinImageHeight properties. | |
DropFilesHereText | Text of the label on the upload pane displayed when no files are selected for the upload. | |
EditDescriptionText | Text of the label displayed instead of the description when it is not specified by a user. | |
EditDescriptionTooltipText | Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the Edit Description label-hyperlink. | |
ErrorDeletingFilesDialogMessageText | Text of the error message which states that the specified file cannot be deleted. | |
FileIsTooLargeText | Text which appears instead of the description text field if the file exceeds the MaxFileSize value. | |
FileIsTooSmallText | Text which appears instead of the description text field if the file is smaller than MinFileSize value. | |
HoursText | Text for the hours unit in the progress dialog. | |
IncludeSubfoldersText | Text of the Include Subfolders checkbox in the Open Folder dialog. | |
KilobytesText | Text for the kilobytes unit in the progress dialog. | |
LargePreviewGeneratingPreviewText | Text that appears in the preview window while a preview is being generated. | |
LargePreviewIconTooltipText | Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the large preview magnifier. By clicking this magnifier a separate window with a larger preview of the selected image will be opened. | |
LargePreviewNoPreviewAvailableText | Text that appears in the preview window if no preview could be generated. | |
ListColumnFileNameText |
Title of the file name column in the Details
ListColumnFileSizeText |
Title of the file size column in the Details view.
ListColumnFileTypeText |
Title of the file type column in the Details view.
ListColumnLastModifiedText |
Title of the last modification date column in the
Details view.
ListKilobytesText |
Text for kilobytes unit in the file size column of the Details view.
LoadingFilesText | Text on the folder pane which is displayed while Image Uploader scans the folder content and builds the file list. | |
MegabytesText | Text for the megabytes unit in the progress dialog. | |
MenuAddAllToUploadListText | Caption of the Add All To Upload List context menu item. | |
MenuAddToUploadListText | Caption of the Add To Upload List context menu item. | |
MenuArrangeByModifiedText | Caption of the Modified context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group. | |
MenuArrangeByNameText | Caption of the Name context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group. | |
MenuArrangeByPathText | Caption of the Path context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group. | |
MenuArrangeBySizeText | Caption of the Size context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group. | |
MenuArrangeByText | Caption of the Arrange Icons By context menu. | |
MenuArrangeByTypeText | Caption of the Type context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group. | |
MenuArrangeByUnsortedText | Caption of the Unsorted context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group. | |
MenuDeselectAllText | Caption of the Deselect All context menu item. | |
MenuDetailsText | Caption of the Details context menu item. | |
MenuIconsText | Caption of the Icons context menu item. | |
MenuInvertSelectionText | Caption of the Invert Selection context menu item. | |
MenuListText | Caption of the List context menu item. | |
MenuRefreshText | Caption of the Refresh context menu item. | |
MenuRemoveAllFromUploadListText | Caption of the Remove All From Upload List context menu item. | |
MenuRemoveFromUploadListText | Caption of the Remove From Upload List context menu item. | |
MenuSelectAllText | Caption of the Select All context menu item. | |
MenuThumbnailsText | Caption of the Thumbnails context menu item. | |
MessageBoxTitleText | Title of the message box which appears when some error occurs or upload is finished. | |
MessageCannotConnectToInternetText | Text of the error message which states that Image Uploader failed to connect to the Internet. | |
MessageCmykImagesAreNotAllowedText | Text of the error message which states that the selected image is CMYK, when CMYK images are not allowed for the upload. | |
MessageDimensionsAreTooLargeText | Text of the error message which states that the width or height of the selected image is too large. | |
MessageDimensionsAreTooSmallText | Text of the error message which states that the width or height of selected image is too small. | |
MessageFileSizeIsTooSmallText | Text of the error message which states that the user tries to select a file that is too small. | |
MessageMaxFileCountExceededText | Text of the error message which states that the user tries to select too many files. | |
MessageMaxFileSizeExceededText | Text of the error message which states that the user tries to select a file that is too big. | |
MessageMaxTotalFileSizeExceededText | Text of the error message which states that the total size of selected files is too large. | |
MessageNoInternetSessionWasEstablishedText | Text of the error message which states that there is no Internet session available. | |
MessageNoResponseFromServerText | Text of the error message which states that an error was encountered when sending a request to the server and the server did not return any response. | |
MessageRedirectText | This property is obsolete. Text of the message which states that the server returns HTTP code 3xx (e.g. 302 or 304), i.e. when it returns a redirect response. |
MessageRetryOpenFolderText | Text of the message which is displayed when Image Uploader tries to restore last visited folder and it is not available. | |
MessageServerNotFoundText | Text of the error message which states that the server with the name, specified in the Action parameter cannot be found. | |
MessageSwitchAnotherFolderWarningText | Text of the warning message which is displayed when the user changes the current folder and some items are selected for upload in this folder. | |
MessageUnexpectedErrorText | Text of the user-friendly error message for errors which are meaningful to website developer only. | |
MessageUploadCancelledText | Text of the error message which states that the user cancelled the upload. | |
MessageUploadCompleteText | Text of the message box which notifies that the upload is successfully finished. | |
MessageUploadFailedText | Text of the error message which states that the upload failed because the connection was broken. | |
MessageUserSpecifiedTimeoutHasExpiredText | Text of the error message which states that the client-side timeout has expired. To disable this message, set it to an empty string. | |
MinutesText | Text for the minutes unit in the progress dialog. | |
ProgressDialogCancelButtonText | Caption of the Cancel button on the progress dialog. | |
ProgressDialogCloseButtonText | Caption of the Close button on the progress dialog. | |
ProgressDialogCloseWhenUploadCompletesText | Caption of the Close When Upload Completes checkbox in the progress dialog. | |
ProgressDialogEstimatedTimeText | Caption of the label on the progress dialog which displays estimated time of upload. | |
ProgressDialogPreparingDataText | Caption of the Preparing Data label on the progress dialog. | |
ProgressDialogSentText | Caption of the label on the progress dialog which specifies how many files have already been sent. | |
ProgressDialogTitleText | Title of the progress dialog. | |
ProgressDialogWaitingForResponseFromServerText | Text string which appears in the progress dialog when the upload completes, and Image Uploader is waiting for a response from the server. | |
ProgressDialogWaitingForRetryText | Text string which appears in the progress dialog when the upload was interrupted, and Image Uploader is waiting before retrying to recover the upload. | |
RemoveIconTooltipText | Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the removal cross. By clicking this cross the selected image will be deleted from the upload list. | |
RotateIconClockwiseTooltipText | Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the clockwise rotation arrow. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise. | |
RotateIconCounterclockwiseTooltipText | Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the counterclockwise rotation arrow. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise. | |
SecondsText | Text for seconds unit in the progress dialog. | |
UnixFileSystemRootText | Caption of the folder tree node which specifies the system directory at *NIX systems. | |
UnixHomeDirectoryText | Caption of the folder tree node which specifies the home directory at *NIX systems. |