| Name | Description |
AfterUpload |
Raised only after successful upload. |
BeforeUpload |
Raised when the upload is about to be started.
Error |
Raised if some error occurred during upload. |
FolderChange |
Raised when the user goes to another folder from which they will select files for upload. |
InitComplete |
Raised when Image Uploader is completely created and initialized.
PackageBeforeUpload |
Raised when the current package is about to be uploaded.
PackageComplete |
Raised when the current package was uploaded successfully. |
PackageError |
Raised if some error occurred during the current package upload. |
PackageProgress |
Raised to indicate the progress of the current package upload. |
PaneResize |
Raised when the user moves splitters or resizes panes anyhow else.
Progress |
Raised to indicate the progress of the upload.
SelectionChange |
Raised when the user changes a selection either by mouse,
Select All, or Deselect All buttons.
SortModeChange |
Raised when sort mode is changed in the folder or upload pane.
UploadFileCountChange |
Raised when the user adds/removes any files to/from the upload list (or checks/unchecks them).
ViewChange |
Raised when the view mode of folder or upload pane is changed.