Thumbnail Class ActiveX/Java Uploader PHP

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

This class represents a standalone thumbnail bound with some upload pane item of ActiveX/Java Uploader.

For a list of all members of this class, see Thumbnail Members.


class Thumbnail extends BaseControl {



ActiveX/Java Uploader Express disables the Thumbnail control.

This control can be used to build a custom upload list. For example, you can add extra fields for each item or design new upload list layout.

The idea is the following:

  1. Insert this control instance to the necessary position in HTML.
  2. Associate the control with an instance of Uploader which contains the upload list where to bind items from. You can do it using the ParentControlName property.
  3. Bind the control with some item from the upload list using the Guid property.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also
