uploader.paneFont Property ActiveX/Java Uploader JavaScript

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a font format for all ActiveX/Java Uploader buttons and labels, except titles.


JavaScript Initialize
    //...other params...
    paneFont: "",
    //...other params...

Property Value

Type: String

The font format for all ActiveX/Java Uploader buttons and labels. If this property is not specified, a default system font is used.

See the Remarks section for more details about the font format syntax.

Default value is "".


The string which specifies font format has the following syntax:


Here is a list of supported variables:

NameFont name. This font should be installed on the client machine, so it is recommended to use only standard font names. When this parameter is not specified, the system default font is used.
SizeFont size. If this parameter is not specified, the system default font size is used.

Font style. The following styles are supported:

  • Bold
  • Italic

You can specify several styles separated with a comma. Example:


If this parameter is not specified, regular font is used.


The format string is case insensitive.

If you need to customize a title font, use the titleFont.

Be careful when specifying a font if you plan using the uploader in a multilingual environment. If this font does not contain scripts for a specific language, it won't display elements as expected (for example, file names). In this case, it is recommended to use some universal font, for example, Arial Unicode MS.


The following code sets font size at 18px and font style at italic:

var u = $au.uploader({
    id: 'Uploader1',
    paneFont: "Size=18;Style=Italic",

See Also
