metadata.hash Property ActiveX/Java Uploader JavaScript

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets an algorithm to generate a hash value for each user-selected file.


JavaScript Initialize
    metadata: {
        //...other params...
        hash: "",
        //...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
value = $au.uploader('uploaderID').metadata().hash();

Property Value

Type: String

The algorithm to generate a hash value for each user-selected file.

Possible values are listed in the table below.

SHASHA hash algorithm.
MD2MD2 hash algorithm.
MD5MD5 hash algorithm.

You can specify several hash algorithms separated by semicolon.

Default value is "".



ActiveX/Java Uploader Express does not upload hash sums. See the Upload Suite Editions topic for details.

The hash is calculated only for the original file, not for converted files (even if the original file is not uploaded).

To get an uploaded hash sum at the server, you should extract POST field which is named in the following way: HashCodeXXX_N, where XXX is a string value specified in this property (hash algorithm), and N is the index of the file in the request. E.g. if the property value is MD5;SHA, you will get the following POST fields:

  • HashCodeMD5_1, HashCodeMD5_2, etc.
  • HashCodeSHA_1, HashCodeSHA_2, etc.

Hash calculation is quite resource-intensive operation. That is why if you do not need to verify uploaded files on the server, it makes sense to disable this feature to make ActiveX/Java Uploader faster. To do it, just specify empty string in this property.

See Also
