imageEditor.rotateButtonImageFormat Property ActiveX/Java Uploader JavaScript

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a list of images that are displayed in different states of Rotate button.


JavaScript Initialize
: {
//...other params...
: "",
//...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
= $au.uploader('uploaderID').imageEditor().rotateButtonImageFormat();

Property Value

Type: String

The list of custom images of Rotate button.

See the Remarks section for more details about syntax of this string.

Default value is "".


The string which specifies images for a button or icon has the following syntax:


Here is a list of supported variables:

WidthWidth of the button or icon.
HeightHeight of the button or icon.
BackgroundColorBackground color of the button. The rectangle specified Width/Height is filled with this color and displayed while images for buttons are downloaded. If omitted, the backgroundColor property is used.
UrlNormalURL to the image which represents the button/icon when it is not pressed, mouse pointer is not hover over it, and the button is not in focus. Mandatory.
UrlNormalFocusedURL to the image which represents the button when it is not pressed, mouse pointer is not hover over it, but the button is in focus. If omitted, last drawn image will be used.
UrlHoverURL to the image which represents a button/icon when a mouse button is hovered over it. If omitted, last drawn image will be used.
UrlHoverFocusedURL to the image which represents a button when a mouse button is hovered over it, but the button/icon is in focus. If omitted, last drawn image will be used.
UrlPressedURL to the image which represents a button/icon when it is pressed. If omitted, last drawn image will be used.
UrlDisabledURL to the image which represents a button when it is disabled. If omitted, last drawn image will be used. If omitted, last drawn image will be used.

The format string is case insensitive.

You can use images of all formats recognized by ActiveX/Java Uploader as images. If you load animated GIF files, only the first frame will be displayed.

Image URLs can be both absolute (e.g. and relative to the current page (e.g. /images/image.png).

For example, if ActiveX/Java Uploader is inserted to the page, the relative URLs specified via this property will correspond to the following locations.

Specified URLExpected Location

See Also
