folderPane.sortMode Property ActiveX/Java Uploader JavaScript

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a sort mode of the folder pane.


JavaScript Initialize
: {
//...other params...
: "Name",
//...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
= $au.uploader('uploaderID').folderPane().sortMode();

Property Value

Type: String

The sort mode of the folder pane.

The following values are supported:

UnsortedItems are unsorted.
NameItems are sorted by name alphabetically.
SizeItems are sorted by file size.
TypeItems are sorted by file type alphabetically.
ModifiedItems are sorted by the date of last modification.
PathItems are sorted by full path.
DimensionsItems are sorted by image dimensions.

The sort mode cannot be set to Unsorted value manually.

Default value is "Name".


Sort mode is automatically reset to Unsorted when items are rearranged via drag-n-drop or new items are added. It means that when you set a sort mode it is applied only to files which are currently in the folder pane.

Sort mode is automatically reset to Unsorted when new items are added or re-arranged via drag-n-drop.


If you set the same value twice, the sort order will toggle between ascending and descending and vice versa.

See Also
