Gets or sets a color of the checked pane item border when the item is selected, is not in focus, and the mouse pointer hovers over it.
Aurigma.ImageUploader (in Aurigma.ImageUploader.dll)
public Color InactiveCheckedSelectionHoverBorderColor { get; set; }
Type: System.Drawing..Color
Gets or sets a color of the checked pane item border when the item is selected, is not in focus, and the mouse pointer hovers over it.
This element supports linear gradient fills, so this property accepts specifying color in the following format: <PropertyName Color1="#aaaaaa" Color2="#bbbbbb" />
, where #aaaaaa
specifies a top gradient color and #bbbbbb
- a bottom. Both colors should be specified in a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax. If the only one color is set, the element appears solid.
Default value is #3982cc.