Printing Photos

This topic is especially useful for those using kiosks as instant printing stations. By default instant printing feature is disabled in Photo Kiosk. You can enable it using Configuration Tool, but before that you should connect your printers to a kiosk and specify paper settings in driver settings.

To configure printing photos run Configuration Tool and select Printing Photos from the tree on the left. The following settings are available in the Printing Photos section:

Name Default Value Description
Enabled cleared This check box specifies whether printing photos feature is turned on. If Enabled is selected, Photo Kiosk will print photos using printers connected to the kiosk. Photos will be printed instantly or after the order confirmation code is entered, depending on the Require confirmation setting.
Require confirmation cleared Use this check box to delay printing process. If it is cleared, then Photo Kiosk will start print photos right after the order is placed, otherwise, printing process will be delayed until the payment is confirmed.
Payment instructions Please, pay for the order and get back. These instructions will be displayed to a user after the order is placed.
Printer selection grid
Paper photo paper format/type pair All paper format/type pairs are listed here. You can add/delete paper type or format in the Paper Types and Paper Formats sections of Configuration Tool; for more information see the Configuring Photo Paper Formats and Types.
Printer Use this list box to choose name of the printer used to print photos on the corresponding format/type paper. The list box allows selecting a printer from all the installed in the system.

To set prices for instant printed photos choose the Prices subsection containing "(Instant)" in its name, like 10x15 Glossy (Instant). Such subsection will appear right after you have selected printer for the paper format/type pair.

Before enabling the photo printing service you should properly configure your photo printers. Each photo printer settings (paper format and orientation) should be set accordingly to the photo paper loaded in the printer tray.


There will be no Print photos and Process order button in Photo Kiosk until you select a printer for at least one paper format/type pair.

See Also