Configuring Photo Paper Formats and Types

This topic tells about configuring paper formats and types. Remember that you cannot set price of a print until you add the corresponding paper format and type.

To set paper formats or types run Configuration Tool and select Paper formats or Paper types correspondingly from the tree on the left. Both sections are presented as tables. To add a new paper format (type), enter its name in the last row of the table. To delete a paper format select the format type row and press Delete.

You should specify the following settings for each paper format:

Name Description
Name Name of the paper format, for example, 10x15.
Width Paper width in millimeters.
Height Paper height in millimeters.
DPI The specified resolution will be used to estimate quality of the print and to print photos.

The Paper types section contains the following settings:

Name Description
Name Name of the paper format, for example, 10x15.
Description Description of the paper type; the description will be displayed in the Change print options dialog.

To set paper format (type) as default, just drag it to the very first row of paper formats (paper types) table.

See Also