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ImageUploader Class

This class is intended for embedding Image Uploader into PHP applications. This class allows configuring Image Uploader as a common PHP object and handling uploaded data without parsing the POST request. To configure Image Uploader appearance and its upload format this class exposes a big number of properties listed below. To handle uploaded data the PHP library implements the UploadedFiles class which represents uploaded files as an array and provides methods to access its elements.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ImageUploader type.


Name Description
public method ImageUploader($id, $width, $height) Creates and initializes an instance of the ImageUploader class.


Name Description
public property getAction()
Gets or sets URL of the page to which files selected for upload in Image Uploader are sent to.
public property getAddFolderDialogButtonCancelText()
Gets or sets caption of the Cancel button on the dialog displayed when the folders are being added to the upload list.
public property getAddFolderDialogButtonSkipAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the Skip All button on the dialog displayed when the folders are being added to the upload list.
public property getAddFolderDialogButtonSkipText()
Gets or sets caption of the Skip button on the dialog displayed when folders are being added to the upload list.
public property getAddFolderDialogTitleText()
Gets or sets title of the dialog displayed when folders are being added to the upload list.
public property getAdditionalFormName()
Gets or sets name of the HTML form with additional information which should be sent to the server along with files.
public property getAdvancedDetailsFailedItemBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of an item in AdvancedDetails view which indicates that this item failed to be uploaded. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getAdvancedDetailsGridLineColor()
Gets or sets color of grid lines in AdvancedDetails view when the grid is enabled. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getAdvancedDetailsGridLineStyle()
Gets or sets style of the grid in AdvancedDetails view. The following line styles are supported: Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Invisible, and Solid.
public property getAdvancedDetailsIdleItemBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of an item in AdvancedDetails view which indicates items which are pending for upload. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getAdvancedDetailsInProcessItemBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of an item in AdvancedDetails view which indicates items which are being uploaded. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getAdvancedDetailsPreviewThumbnailSize()
Gets or sets size of preview thumbnail (in pixels) in AdvancedDetails view mode.
public property getAllowAutoRotate()
Gets or sets switch that enables automatic EXIF-based photo rotation feature.
public property getAllowCmykImages()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether it is possible to select CMYK images for the upload.
public property getAllowDisproportionalExifThumbnails()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether Image Uploader should generate thumbnail from original image in the case when thumbnail saved in EXIF metadata is out of proportions of original image.
public property getAllowFolderUpload()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether it is possible to upload not only separate files, but also entire folders.
public property getAllowLargePreview()
Gets or sets switch that enables large preview of an image in a separate window.
public property getAllowMultipleRemove()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether clicking on a remove icon of a list item will remove all selected items.
public property getAllowMultipleRotate()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether clicking on a rotate icon of a list item will rotate all selected items.
public property getAllowMultipleSelection()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the user is allowed to select multiple files at one time.
public property getAllowRotate()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display rotate icons on preview thumbnails.
public property getAllowTreePaneWidthChange()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the user can resize the tree pane.
public property getAuthenticationRequestBasicText()
Gets or sets text of the message on the authentication dialog when basic authentication is used.
public property getAuthenticationRequestButtonCancelText()
Gets or sets text of the Cancel button on the authentication dialog.
public property getAuthenticationRequestButtonOkText()
Gets or sets text of the OK button on the authentication dialog.
public property getAuthenticationRequestDomainText()
Gets or sets text of the Domain label on the authentication dialog.
public property getAuthenticationRequestLoginText()
Gets or sets text of the Login label on the authentication dialog.
public property getAuthenticationRequestNtlmText()
Gets or sets text of the message on the authentication dialog when NTLM authentication is used.
public property getAuthenticationRequestPasswordText()
Gets or sets text of the Password label on the authentication dialog.
public property getAuthenticationType()
Gets or sets authentication type configured on the server. The following types are supported: None, Ntlm, and Basic.
public property getAutoRecoverMaxTriesCount()
Gets or sets number of tries that should be performed to submit files.
public property getAutoRecoverTimeOut()
Gets or sets interval (in milliseconds) in which Image Uploader should try to resume the upload if it was interrupted.
public property getButtonAddAllToUploadListImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Add All button (focused, pressed, etc.).
public property getButtonAddAllToUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which adds all files in the current folder to the upload list. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonAddFilesImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Add Files button (focused, pressed, etc.).
public property getButtonAddFilesText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which opens Open File dialog to select files for upload. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonAddFoldersImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Add Folders button (focused, pressed, etc.).
public property getButtonAddFoldersText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which opens the standard Open Folder dialog to add the entire folder content to the upload list. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonAddToUploadListImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Add button (which adds selected files from folder pane to upload pane).
public property getButtonAddToUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which adds selected files to the upload list. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonAdvancedDetailsCancelImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Cancel button which is displayed in the AdvancedDetails view during upload.
public property getButtonAdvancedDetailsCancelText()
Gets or sets caption of the Cancel button which is displayed in the AdvancedDetails view during upload.
public property getButtonCheckAllImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the button which checks all the files in the folder pane in TwoPanes layout.
public property getButtonCheckAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the Check All button which checks all the files in the folder pane in TwoPanes layout.
public property getButtonDeleteFilesImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the button which deletes selected files from the file system.
public property getButtonDeleteFilesText()
Gets or sets caption of the Delete Files button which deletes selected files from the file system. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonDeselectAllImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the button which deselects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if getCheckFilesBySelectAllButton() is false.
public property getButtonDeselectAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which deselects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if getCheckFilesBySelectAllButton() is false. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonFont()
Gets or sets font format for all Image Uploader buttons. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the ButtonFont property description.
public property getButtonPasteImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Paste button which pastes an image (not a file) from a clipboard to the upload list.
public property getButtonPasteText()
Gets or sets caption for the Paste button which pastes an image (not a file) from a clipboard to the upload list. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonRemoveAllFromUploadListImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Remove All button which removes all the files from the upload list.
public property getButtonRemoveAllFromUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which removes all the files from the upload list.
public property getButtonRemoveFromUploadListImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Remove button which removes selected files from the upload list.
public property getButtonRemoveFromUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which removes selected files from the upload list.
public property getButtonSelectAllImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the button which selects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if getCheckFilesBySelectAllButton() is false.
public property getButtonSelectAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which selects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if getCheckFilesBySelectAllButton() is false. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonSendImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Send button which starts the upload of the selected files.
public property getButtonSendText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which starts the upload of the selected files. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonStopImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the Stop button which aborts the upload.
public property getButtonStopText()
Gets or sets caption of the button which aborts the upload. If an empty string is specified, the button becomes invisible.
public property getButtonUncheckAllImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the button which unchecks all the files in the folder pane in TwoPanes layout.
public property getButtonUncheckAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the Uncheck All button which unchecks all the files in the folder pane in TwoPanes layout.
public property getCacheGuiGraphics()
Gets or sets switch that enables/disables caching of image buttons (when setXXXImageFormat($value) properties are used).
public property getCharset()
Gets or sets charset used to encode the text data submitted by Image Uploader. Visit Sun site for a full list of supported encodings.
public property getCheckFilesBySelectAllButton()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display Check All/Uncheck All or Select All/Deselect All buttons in TwoPanes layout. If true, the Check All and Uncheck All buttons which check and uncheck files in the folder pane are displayed. Otherwise, Image Uploader displayes the Select All and Deselect All buttons which just set/clear selection on items in the folder pane.
public property getCmykImagesAreNotAllowedText()
Gets or sets text which appears instead of the description text field if the image is CMYK, when CMYK images are not allowed for the upload.
public property getDeleteUploadedFiles()
Gets or sets switch that defines whether successfully uploaded files should be deleted.
public property getDeniedFileMask()
Gets or sets file mask for the files that are denied to be displayed and uploaded.
public property getDescriptionEditorButtonCancelText()
Gets or sets caption for the Cancel button of the description editor.
public property getDescriptionEditorButtonOkText()
Gets or sets caption on the OK button of the description editor.
public property getDescriptionsReadOnly()
Gets or sets indicator which specifies whether the user is allowed to edit descriptions.
public property getDescriptionTooltipText()
Gets or sets text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the description text field.
public property getDimensionsAreTooLargeText()
Gets or sets text of the label displayed when image dimensions are larger than the ones specified with the setMaxImageWidth($value) and setMaxImageHeight($value) properties.
public property getDimensionsAreTooSmallText()
Gets or sets text of the label displayed when image dimensions are smaller than the ones specified with the setMinImageWidth($value) and setMinImageHeight($value) properties.
public property getDisplayNameActiveSelectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the item display name when this item is selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getDisplayNameActiveUnselectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the item display name when this item is not selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getDisplayNameInactiveSelectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the item display name when this item is selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getDisplayNameInactiveUnselectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the item display name when this item is not selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getDropFilesHereImageFormat() Gets a BackgroundImageFormat instance that specifies settings of the image displayed on the upload pane when no files are selected for the upload.
public property getDropFilesHereText()
Gets or sets text of the label on the upload pane displayed when no files are selected for the upload.
public property getEditDescriptionText()
Gets or sets text of the label displayed instead of the description when it is not specified by a user.
public property getEditDescriptionTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the text label displayed instead of the description when it is not specified by a user. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getEditDescriptionTooltipText()
Gets or sets text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the Edit Description label-hyperlink.
public property getEnableFileViewer()
Gets or sets switch that indicates whether to open the file in associated viewer software when it is double-clicked in both folder and upload pane.
public property getEnableInstantUpload()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to start sending files right after they are selected for upload not waiting for Send button click.
public property getEnableRemoveIcon()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display remove icons on preview thumbnails. By clicking this icon the selected image will be deleted from the upload list.
public property getExtractExif()
Gets or sets list of EXIF fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.
public property getExtractIptc()
Gets or sets list of IPTC fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.
public property getFileIsTooLargeText()
Gets or sets text which appears instead of the description text field if the file exceeds the setMaxFileSize($value) value.
public property getFileIsTooSmallText()
Gets or sets text which appears instead of the description text field if the file is smaller than setMinFileSize($value) value.
public property getFileMask()
Gets or sets file mask for the files which are allowed to be displayed and uploaded.
public property getFilesPerOnePackageCount()
Gets or sets number of files which should be sent with a single request.
public property getFolderPaneAllowRotate()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display rotate icons on thumbnails in the folder pane.
public property getFolderPaneBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the folder pane. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getFolderPaneBorderStyle()
Gets or sets border style of the folder pane. The following border styles are supported: Fixed3D, FixedSingle, and None.
public property getFolderPaneHeight()
Gets or sets height of the folder pane.
public property getFolderPaneShowDescriptions()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether Edit Description elements should be displayed under each thumbnail in the folder list.
public property getFolderPaneSortMode()
Gets or sets sort mode of the folder pane. The following modes are supported: Modified, Name, Path, Size, Type, and Unsorted.
public property getFolderView()
Gets or sets view mode for the folder pane. The following views are supported: Thumbnails, Icons, List, Details, and AdvancedDetails.
public property getGuiGraphicsVersion()
Gets or sets version indicator of images used as buttons and icons of Image Uploader user interface.
public property getHashAlgorithm()
Gets or sets algorithm to generate a hash value for each file to upload to the server. The following algorithms are supported: SHA, MD2, and MD5.
public property getHoursText()
Gets or sets text for the hours unit in the progress dialog.
public property getIncludeSubfolders()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether a folder should be added to upload list including its subfolders.
public property getIncludeSubfoldersText()
Gets or sets text of the Include Subfolders checkbox in the Open Folder dialog.
public property getIncorrectFileActiveSelectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getIncorrectFileActiveUnselectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is not selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getIncorrectFileInactiveSelectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getIncorrectFileInactiveUnselectedTextColor()
Gets or sets color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is not selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getKilobytesText()
Gets or sets text for the kilobytes unit in the progress dialog.
public property getLargePreviewBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the preview window. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getLargePreviewGeneratingPreviewText()
Gets or sets text that appears in the preview window while a preview is being generated.
public property getLargePreviewHeight()
Gets or sets height of the preview window.
public property getLargePreviewIconImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the large preview magnifier which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this magnifier a separate window with a larger preview of the selected image will be opened.
public property getLargePreviewIconTooltipText()
Gets or sets text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the large preview magnifier. By clicking this magnifier a separate window with a larger preview of the selected image will be opened.
public property getLargePreviewNoPreviewAvailableText()
Gets or sets text that appears in the preview window if no preview could be generated.
public property getLargePreviewWidth()
Gets or sets width of the preview window.
public property getLicenseKey()
Gets or sets license key which allows evaluating, developing, or publishing Image Uploader according to the license key type (trial, development, or full).
public property getListColumnFileNameText()
Gets or sets title of the file name column in the Details view.
public property getListColumnFileSizeText()
Gets or sets title of the file size column in the Details view.
public property getListColumnFileTypeText()
Gets or sets title of the file type column in the Details view.
public property getListColumnLastModifiedText()
Gets or sets title of the last modification date column in the Details view.
public property getListKilobytesText()
Gets or sets text for kilobytes unit in the file size column of the Details view.
public property getLoadingFilesText()
Gets or sets text on the folder pane which is displayed while Image Uploader scans the folder content and builds the file list.
public property getLookAndFeel()
Gets or sets look and feel of the Image Uploader Java applet.
public property getMaxConnectionCount()
Gets or sets number of simultaneous connections files are uploaded with.
public property getMaxDescriptionTextLength()
Gets or sets maximum allowed number of characters in descriptions entered by the user.
public property getMaxFileCount()
Gets or sets maximum number of files allowed for upload per one session.
public property getMaxFileSize()
Gets or sets maximum file size (in bytes) which is allowed for upload to the server.
public property getMaxImageHeight()
Gets or sets maximum image height (in pixels) allowed for upload.
public property getMaxImageWidth()
Gets or sets maximum image width (in pixels) allowed for upload.
public property getMaxTotalFileSize()
Gets or sets maximum total file size (in bytes) allowed for upload.
public property getMegabytesText()
Gets or sets text for the megabytes unit in the progress dialog.
public property getMenuAddAllToUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the Add All To Upload List context menu item.
public property getMenuAddToUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the Add To Upload List context menu item.
public property getMenuArrangeByModifiedText()
Gets or sets caption of the Modified context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
public property getMenuArrangeByNameText()
Gets or sets caption of the Name context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
public property getMenuArrangeByPathText()
Gets or sets caption of the Path context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
public property getMenuArrangeBySizeText()
Gets or sets caption of the Size context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
public property getMenuArrangeByText()
Gets or sets caption of the Arrange Icons By context menu.
public property getMenuArrangeByTypeText()
Gets or sets caption of the Type context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
public property getMenuArrangeByUnsortedText()
Gets or sets caption of the Unsorted context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
public property getMenuDeselectAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the Deselect All context menu item.
public property getMenuDetailsText()
Gets or sets caption of the Details context menu item.
public property getMenuIconsText()
Gets or sets caption of the Icons context menu item.
public property getMenuInvertSelectionText()
Gets or sets caption of the Invert Selection context menu item.
public property getMenuListText()
Gets or sets caption of the List context menu item.
public property getMenuRefreshText()
Gets or sets caption of the Refresh context menu item.
public property getMenuRemoveAllFromUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the Remove All From Upload List context menu item.
public property getMenuRemoveFromUploadListText()
Gets or sets caption of the Remove From Upload List context menu item.
public property getMenuSelectAllText()
Gets or sets caption of the Select All context menu item.
public property getMenuThumbnailsText()
Gets or sets caption of the Thumbnails context menu item.
public property getMessageBoxTitleText()
Gets or sets title of the message box which appears when some error occurs or upload is finished.
public property getMessageCannotConnectToInternetText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that Image Uploader failed to connect to the Internet.
public property getMessageCmykImagesAreNotAllowedText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the selected image is CMYK, when CMYK images are not allowed for the upload.
public property getMessageDimensionsAreTooLargeText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the width or height of the selected image is too large.
public property getMessageDimensionsAreTooSmallText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the width or height of selected image is too small.
public property getMessageFileSizeIsTooSmallText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the user tries to select a file that is too small.
public property getMessageMaxFileCountExceededText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the user tries to select too many files.
public property getMessageMaxFileSizeExceededText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the user tries to select a file that is too big.
public property getMessageMaxTotalFileSizeExceededText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the total size of selected files is too large.
public property getMessageNoInternetSessionWasEstablishedText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that there is no Internet session available.
public property getMessageNoResponseFromServerText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that an error was encountered when sending a request to the server and the server did not return any response.
public property getMessageRetryOpenFolderText()
Gets or sets text of the message which is displayed when Image Uploader tries to restore last visited folder and it is not available.
public property getMessageServerNotFoundText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the server with the name, specified in the setAction($value) parameter cannot be found.
public property getMessageSwitchAnotherFolderWarningText()
Gets or sets text of the warning message which is displayed when the user changes the current folder and some items are selected for upload in this folder.
public property getMessageUnexpectedErrorText()
Gets or sets text of the user-friendly error message for errors which are meaningful to website developer only.
public property getMessageUploadCancelledText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the user cancelled the upload.
public property getMessageUploadCompleteText()
Gets or sets text of the message box which notifies that the upload is successfully finished.
public property getMessageUploadFailedText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the upload failed because the connection was broken.
public property getMessageUserSpecifiedTimeoutHasExpiredText()
Gets or sets text of the error message which states that the client-side timeout has expired. To disable this message, set it to an empty string.
public property getMetaDataSeparator()
Gets or sets sequence of characters used to separate string stored in one metadata field (such as IptcKeyword).
public property getMinFileCount()
Gets or sets minimum number of files allowed for upload per one session.
public property getMinFileSize()
Gets or sets minimum file size (in bytes) allowed for upload.
public property getMinImageHeight()
Gets or sets minimum image height (in pixels) allowed for upload.
public property getMinImageWidth()
Gets or sets minimum image width (in pixels) allowed for upload.
public property getMinutesText()
Gets or sets text for the minutes unit in the progress dialog.
public property getPaneBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of all Image Uploader panes. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPaneFont()
Gets or sets font format for all Image Uploader panes and labels. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the PaneFont property description.
public property getPaneLayout()
Gets or sets layout of Image Uploader panes. The following layouts are supported: OnePane, TwoPanes, and ThreePanes.
public property getPasteFileNameTemplate()
Gets or sets file name template for files pasted from clipboard.
public property getPostFormat()
Gets or sets POST request format used by Image Uploader to upload files.
public property getPreserveHttpCookies()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether Image Uploader should preserve HTTP-only cookies during upload.
public property getPreviewThumbnailActiveDropHighlightedColor()
Gets or sets color of the thumbnail box selection when this thumbnail belongs to a focused pane and the user drags some items over it. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPreviewThumbnailActiveSelectionColor()
Gets or sets color of the item selection frame when the parent pane is in focus. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPreviewThumbnailBorderColor()
Gets or sets color of the preview thumbnail box frame. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPreviewThumbnailBorderHoverColor()
Gets or sets color of the preview box frame when the cursor is hovered over the thumbnail. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPreviewThumbnailInactiveDropHighlightedColor()
Gets or sets color of the thumbnail box selection when this thumbnail belongs to a pane which is out of focus and the user drags some items over it. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPreviewThumbnailInactiveSelectionColor()
Gets or sets color of item selection frame when the parent pane is out of focus. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getPreviewThumbnailResizeQuality()
Gets or sets resize quality of preview thumbnails. The following values are supported: Medium and High.
public property getPreviewThumbnailSize()
Gets or sets size of thumbnails (in pixels) in the preview area when Thumbnails view mode is used.
public property getProgressDialogCancelButtonText()
Gets or sets caption of the Cancel button on the progress dialog.
public property getProgressDialogCloseButtonText()
Gets or sets caption of the Close button on the progress dialog.
public property getProgressDialogCloseWhenUploadCompletesText()
Gets or sets caption of the Close When Upload Completes checkbox in the progress dialog.
public property getProgressDialogEstimatedTimeText()
Gets or sets caption of the label on the progress dialog which displays estimated time of upload.
public property getProgressDialogPreparingDataText()
Gets or sets caption of the Preparing Data label on the progress dialog.
public property getProgressDialogPreviewThumbnailSize()
Gets or sets size of a thumbnail (in pixels) in the progress dialog.
public property getProgressDialogSentText()
Gets or sets caption of the label on the progress dialog which specifies how many files have already been sent.
public property getProgressDialogTitleText()
Gets or sets title of the progress dialog.
public property getProgressDialogWaitingForResponseFromServerText()
Gets or sets text string which appears in the progress dialog when the upload completes, and Image Uploader is waiting for a response from the server.
public property getProgressDialogWaitingForRetryText()
Gets or sets text string which appears in the progress dialog when the upload was interrupted, and Image Uploader is waiting before retrying to recover the upload.
public property getProgressDialogWidth()
Gets or sets width of the progress dialog.
public property getQualityMeterAcceptableQualityColor()
Gets or sets color of the quality meter element which corresponds to the maximum acceptable print format. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getQualityMeterBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the quality meter. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getQualityMeterBorderColor()
Gets or sets color of the quality meter border. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getQualityMeterFormats()
Gets or sets value which defines print formats for the quality meter. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the QualityMeterFormats property description.
public property getQualityMeterHeight()
Gets or sets height of the quality meter element.
public property getQualityMeterHighQualityColor()
Gets or sets color of the quality meter element which corresponds to the recommended print format. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getQualityMeterLowQualityColor()
Gets or sets color of the quality meter element corresponding to the print format which is not recommended for printing. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getRedirectUrl()
Gets or sets URL to which the user will be redirected when the upload successfully completes.
public property getRememberLastVisitedFolder()
Gets or sets switch that indicates whether Image Uploader should remember the last visited folder.
public property getRemoveIconImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the removal cross which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this cross the selected image will be deleted from the upload list.
public property getRemoveIconTooltipText()
Gets or sets text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the removal cross. By clicking this cross the selected image will be deleted from the upload list.
public property getRotateIconClockwiseImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the clockwise rotation arrow which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise.
public property getRotateIconClockwiseTooltipText()
Gets or sets text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the clockwise rotation arrow. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise.
public property getRotateIconCounterclockwiseImageFormat() Gets an ImageFormat instance that specifies images that are displayed in different states of the counterclockwise rotation arrow which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
public property getRotateIconCounterclockwiseTooltipText()
Gets or sets text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the counterclockwise rotation arrow. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
public property getSecondsText()
Gets or sets text for seconds unit in the progress dialog.
public property getSendDefaultFields()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to send standard text POST fields during the upload process.
public property getShowButtons()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether Stop, Select All, Deselect All, and Send buttons should be visible.
public property getShowContextMenu()
Gets or sets switch that specifies if the context menu should be available by a right-click on a folder or upload pane.
public property getShowDebugWindow()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display an error page returned from the server if some error occurs on the page specified with the setAction($value) property. Also, this property influences on certain error messages which are meaningful only to a website developer.
public property getShowDescriptions()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display Edit Description elements under the thumbnails.
public property getShowFileNames()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display filenames in the folder and upload pane.
public property getShowSubfolders()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display subfolders in the folder pane along with files.
public property getShowUploadListButtons()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether buttons which add or remove files to or from the upload list should be visible.
public property getSilentMode()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to hide Image Uploader progress bar and all the messages during the upload.
public property getSplitterLineColor()
Gets or sets color of the splitter line (if enabled). A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getSplitterLineStyle()
Gets or sets style of splitter line. The following line styles are supported: Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Invisible, and Solid.
public property getThumbnailHorizontalSpacing()
Gets or sets horizontal distance (in pixels) between thumbnails in the folder and upload panes.
public property getThumbnailVerticalSpacing()
Gets or sets vertical distance (in pixels) between thumbnails in the folder and upload panes.
public property getTimeFormat()
Gets or sets format for time display in progress dialogs. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the TimeFormat property description.
public property getTimeOut()
Gets or sets timeout of the HTTP connection. When timeout expires, the Image Uploader assumes that the connection has been lost and terminates the upload process.
public property getTreePaneBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the tree pane. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getTreePaneBorderStyle()
Gets or sets border style of the tree pane. The following border styles are supported: Fixed3D, FixedSingle, and None.
public property getTreePaneWidth()
Gets or sets width of the folder tree pane.
public property getUncheckUploadedFiles()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to uncheck files (in the TwoPanes layout) or remove them from the upload list (in the OnePane or ThreePanes layout) after they are successfully uploaded.
public property getUnixFileSystemRootText()
Gets or sets caption of the folder tree node which specifies the system directory at *NIX systems.
public property getUnixHomeDirectoryText()
Gets or sets caption of the folder tree node which specifies the home directory at *NIX systems.
public property getUploadPaneAllowRotate()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether to display rotate icons on thumbnails in the upload pane.
public property getUploadPaneBackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the upload pane. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getUploadPaneBackgroundImageFormat() Gets a BackgroundImageFormat instance that specifies a background image of the upload pane.
public property getUploadPaneBorderStyle()
Gets or sets border style of the upload pane. The following border styles are supported: Fixed3D, FixedSingle, and None.
public property getUploadPaneShowDescriptions()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether Edit Description elements should be displayed under each thumbnail in the upload list.
public property getUploadPaneSortMode()
Gets or sets sort mode of the upload list. The following modes are supported: Modified, Name, Path, Size, Type, and Unsorted.
public property getUploadSourceFile()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether original file should be uploaded or it is necessary to upload only resized copies.
public property getUploadThumbnail1BackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the first thumbnail. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getUploadThumbnail1CompressionMode()
Gets or sets compression mode of the first thumbnail. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the UploadThumbnail1CompressionMode property description.
public property getUploadThumbnail1CompressOversizedOnly()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether an original file should be uploaded as the first thumbnail in case when original image dimensions and file size are not bigger than dimensions and file size of the first thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail1CopyExif()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the first thumbnail should contain EXIF metadata copied from the original file.
public property getUploadThumbnail1CopyIptc()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the first thumbnail should contain IPTC metadata copied from the original file.
public property getUploadThumbnail1FitMode()
Gets or sets fit mode of the first thumbnail. The following modes are supported: Off, Fit, Width, Height, Icon, and ActualSize.
public property getUploadThumbnail1Height()
Gets or sets height restriction of the first thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail1JpegQuality()
Gets or sets JPEG quality for the first thumbnail in range from 0 (the worst quality) to 100 (the best quality).
public property getUploadThumbnail1ResizeQuality()
Gets or sets resize quality of the first thumbnail. The following values are supported: Medium and High.
public property getUploadThumbnail1Resolution()
Gets or sets image resolution of the first thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail1Watermark()
Gets or sets watermark for the first thumbnail. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the UploadThumbnail1Watermark property description.
public property getUploadThumbnail1Width()
Gets or sets width restriction of the first thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail2BackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the second thumbnail. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getUploadThumbnail2CompressionMode()
Gets or sets compression mode of the second thumbnail. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the UploadThumbnail2CompressionMode property description.
public property getUploadThumbnail2CompressOversizedOnly()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether an original file should be uploaded as the second thumbnail in case when original image dimensions and file size are not bigger than dimensions and file size of the second thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail2CopyExif()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the second thumbnail should contain EXIF metadata copied from the original file.
public property getUploadThumbnail2CopyIptc()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the second thumbnail should contain IPTC metadata copied from the original file.
public property getUploadThumbnail2FitMode()
Gets or sets fit mode of the second thumbnail. The following modes are supported: Off, Fit, Width, Height, Icon, and ActualSize.
public property getUploadThumbnail2Height()
Gets or sets height restriction of the second thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail2JpegQuality()
Gets or sets JPEG quality for the second thumbnail in range from 0 (the worst quality) to 100 (the best quality).
public property getUploadThumbnail2ResizeQuality()
Gets or sets resize quality of the second thumbnail. The following values are supported: Medium and High.
public property getUploadThumbnail2Resolution()
Gets or sets image resolution of the second thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail2Watermark()
Gets or sets watermark for the second thumbnail. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the UploadThumbnail2Watermark property description.
public property getUploadThumbnail2Width()
Gets or sets width restriction of the second thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail3BackgroundColor()
Gets or sets background color of the third thumbnail. A color value should be specified as a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax (#rrggbb) or as a color name ("white" and so on).
public property getUploadThumbnail3CompressionMode()
Gets or sets compression mode of the third thumbnail. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the UploadThumbnail3CompressionMode property description.
public property getUploadThumbnail3CompressOversizedOnly()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether an original file should be uploaded as the third thumbnail in case when original image dimensions and file size are not bigger than dimensions and file size of the third thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail3CopyExif()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the third thumbnail should contain EXIF metadata copied from the original file.
public property getUploadThumbnail3CopyIptc()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether the third thumbnail should contain IPTC metadata copied from the original file.
public property getUploadThumbnail3FitMode()
Gets or sets fit mode of the third thumbnail. The following modes are supported: Off, Fit, Width, Height, Icon, and ActualSize.
public property getUploadThumbnail3Height()
Gets or sets height restriction of the third thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail3JpegQuality()
Gets or sets JPEG quality for the third thumbnail in range from 0 (the worst quality) to 100 (the best quality).
public property getUploadThumbnail3ResizeQuality()
Gets or sets resize quality of the third thumbnail. The following values are supported: Medium and High.
public property getUploadThumbnail3Resolution()
Gets or sets image resolution of the third thumbnail.
public property getUploadThumbnail3Watermark()
Gets or sets watermark for the third thumbnail. See the detailed information about the syntax of the string accepted by this property in the UploadThumbnail3Watermark property description.
public property getUploadThumbnail3Width()
Gets or sets width restriction of the third thumbnail.
public property getUploadView()
Gets or sets view mode for the upload pane. The following views are supported: Thumbnails, Icons, List, Details, and AdvancedDetails.
public property getUserAgent()
Gets or sets User-Agent string which is sent by Image Uploader in the header of the upload request.
public property getUseSystemColors()
Gets or sets switch that specifies whether Image Uploader should use system-dependent colors for its elements or use color specified via appropriate properties.


Name Description
public method render() Generates Image Uploader embedding code and writes it into the page.


Name Description
public event addClientAfterUpload($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires only after successful upload.
public event addClientBeforeUpload($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the upload is about to be started.
public event addClientError($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires if some error occurred during upload.
public event addClientFolderChange($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the user goes to another folder from which they will select files for upload.
public event addClientInitComplete($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when Image Uploader is completely created and initialized.
public event addClientPackageComplete($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the current package was uploaded successfully.
public event addClientPackageBeforeUpload($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the current package is about to be uploaded.
public event addClientPackageError($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires if some error occurred during the current package upload.
public event addClientPackageProgress($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires to indicate the progress of the current package upload.
public event addClientPaneResize($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the user moves splitters or resizes panes anyhow else.
public event addClientProgress($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires to indicate the progress of the upload.
public event addClientSelectionChange($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the user changes a selection either by mouse, Select All, or Deselect All buttons.
public event addClientSortModeChange($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when sort mode is changed in the folder or upload pane.
public event addClientUploadFileCountChange($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the user adds/removes any files to/from the upload list (or checks/unchecks them).
public event addClientViewChange($clientFunction)
Adds or removes a handler of the event which fires when the view mode of folder or upload pane is changed.