This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

JSP Samples

This topic discusses how to deploy JSP demo applications on your server.


To find information about how specific application works, see the Samples by Application topic.

Installation Steps

  1. Copy all the files from the Samples\JSP subfolder of the Image Uploader SDK into some directory on your web server.
  2. Create, configure and deploy a web application in this folder.
  3. Make sure that the Gallery folder has enough permissions:
    • On Windows NT/2000/XP you should grant the modify permission to the internet guest user (IUSR_<machinename>).
    • On Windows 2003 you should grant the modify permission to the NETWORK SERVICE group.
    • For *NIX systems you should specify appropriate permissions.
  4. Run a browser and type the URL of the demo applications start page (index.jsp in the root of the JSP folder).


Cannot Upload More Than N Megabytes

The most typical cause of this problem is a server-side limitation for the maximum POST request length. Usually, it is specified to reduce the risk of DoS attacks. If the request size exceeds some specific value, it is considered malicious, and the upload is broken. In this situation Image Uploader displays the following error message:

Upload failed (the connection was interrupted).

To increase the limit of the maximum upload size, you should set it in the upload script.

DiskFileUpload fu = new DiskFileUpload();
//Set maximum size before a FileUploadException will be thrown

If you use the Apache web server, you should adjust its settings, too.

  1. Open the httpd.conf file. You can find it:
    • On Linux: /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf
    • On Windows: <Apache installation folder>\conf\httpd.conf
  2. Change the LimitRequestBody parameter to a necessary value, e.g.:

    LimitRequestBody 104857600

If you use another server, refer to its documentation for instructions on configuration.

See Also
