This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

ASP Samples

This topic discusses how to deploy ASP demo applications on your server.


To find information about how specific application works, see the Samples by Application topic.

Required Components

Upload Component

ASP environment does not provide functionality required to process uploaded files by default. You should install third-party components. Below you will find several examples of upload components, which you can use.

Name URL Comments Price
Dundas Upload Supports buffering of uploaded data to the server drive. It is good for processing large uploads. The only disadvantage of this component is the absence of technical support. Free
ABCUpload ASP Commerical upload component. It can be obtained for free if you provide link to their website on your one. $149 / Free with back link
Persists AspUpload Yet another popular upload component. $149

None of these components are released by Aurigma. Aurigma does not give a warranty for reliability of the information given in the table above. This information is taken from official websites of the vendors of these components. It may be changed without Aurigma's knowledge and, therefore, it may become outdated.

To switch between different upload components:

  1. Open the config.asp file in the sample directory.
  2. Comment the line with the component currently in use.
  3. Uncomment the line with the required component.

Image Uploader can work with any HTTP-compliant ASP upload processing components. However, it is tested only with above four components. If you need to work with any other upload component, refer its documentation to write an appropriate upload script.

Imaging Component

To get Server Imaging Sample sample working, you should install Aurigma Graphics Mill component. An evaluation version is available in this location:

Hash Generation Component

Robust Upload Sample requires to calculate hash value based on the uploaded file. ASP does not provide built-in facility for this.

To be able to run this sample, use free hash generation ActiveX component developed by Aurigma. It is distributed along with Image Uploader SDK. Also, the component with the source code can be found in the following location:

Installation Steps

  1. Make sure that all required components are installed.
  2. Copy all the files from the Samples\ASP subfolder of the Image Uploader SDK installation folder into some directory on your web server.
  3. Make sure that the Gallery folder has enough permissions:
    • On Windows NT/2000/XP you should grant the modify permission to the internet guest user (IUSR_<machinename>).
    • On Windows 2003 you should grant the modify permission to the NETWORK SERVICE group.
  4. Run the browser and type the URL of the demo applications start page (default.asp in the root of the ASP folder).


Problem with ../ Path

If you get the error that says that ../ (a parent path) is disallowed in the Server.MapPath method, go to the Internet Information Services -> Web Site Properties -> Home Directory -> Configuration... -> Options and set the Enable Parent Path checkbox.

Cannot Upload More Than N Megabytes

The most typical reason of this problem is server-side limitation for maximum POST request length. As usual it is specified to reduce risk of DoS attacks. If the request size exceeds specific value, it is considered as malicious and the upload is broken. As usual Image Uploader displays the following error message:

Upload failed (the connection was interrupted).

In IIS version 6.0 it is configured via the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed element of the MetaBase.xml file, which stores miscellaneous IIS settings. By default this value is set to 200 KB.

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MetaBase.xml file that is stored in the same folder with IIS files (typically, c:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv). You can use any XML editor or even plain text editor like Notepad.

    Make sure that MetaBase.xml file is writable. To do this, go to the properties of your server in IIS and set the Allow changes to MetaBase configuration while IIS is running checkbox.

  2. Find the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed key.
  3. Increase its value. For example, to set 1 GB, specify 1073741824.
  4. Save changes and try again.

If you have URLScan installed and still experience this problem, go through the following steps:

  1. Open the UrlScan.ini file which is typically located at C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\urlscan folder.
  2. Set the MaxAllowedContentLength key to the desired value.
  3. Save changes and restart IIS.

Other Problems

If you still experience problems with running demo applications, check out the Troubleshooting section. It contains information which may be helpful to resolve or diagnose them. Also, you can create support case or post a message on Image Uploader forum.

See Also
