This product was discontinued
What's new in Upload Suite?
Existing Aurigma customers can find all necessary information below to determine whether they should switch to the latest version.
For customers of Image Uploader 6 or earlier
- Updated regularly and compatible with all modern browsers
- Additional HTML5/Flash-based uploaders
- Improved user experience
- Better performance and upload time
- Additional features
For customers of Image Uploader 7 or later
- 100% compatible with the latest Java and browsers
- Aurigma's tech team guaranteed support
- Multithreaded upload to improve upload speed
Full Aurigma Uploader history
Aurigma Uploader's history is more than 10 years. There were two major generations - Image Uploader 6 (and earlier) and the modern Upload Suite. Also, there was a period when the Flash-based uploader was a separate product. Here you can find a history of all these uploaders:
Modern Upload Suite history
Image Uploader 7, Upload Suite 8 and later
Flash Uploader history
All Image Uploader Flash versions before it became a part of Upload Suite
Old Image Uploader history
Image Uploader 6 and earlier, both ActiveX and Java