As you know HTML5/Flash Uploader sends files and additional metadata from client computers to server side in HTTP POST requests. This approach requires server script to parse the received requests and handle uploaded data. Reading this topic you will learn to extract files and additional data sent by clients, save them all to file system on a server or handle in some other way. There are three approaches to perform this task:
If you parse requests using the ASP.NET Request object and enable sending files by chunks, you will have to write significant amount of non-trivial server-side code to assembly the files on your server. Thus, we do not recommend enabling chunks if you use this method of handling requests.
Further in this topic every approach will be described in detail. Firstly, let us describe HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET components.
All the HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET classes and types are located in the Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.dll
assembly. There are three main ones allowing to process the data uploaded from client computers (ImageUploaderFlash,
UploadRequest and UploadHandler).
All three of them have similar API and functionality giving flexible typed access to these data. The class to use in your application
depends on where you handle the received data:
handler from this class and it will automatically parse requests received from HTML5/Flash Uploader
and will expose API to access the files and data.If you use IIS 7.5 you should disable request validation on the page which hosts the component handling upload.
<%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false" %>
This section describes the simplest way of handling uploaded data - autosave. This approach allows you to save all the uploaded files
to the specified folder on your server without writing a lot of code. All server-side components described in the
previous section can save uploaded files automatically. You just have to choose the component,
plug it in your ASP.NET application and configure the Autosave
and the DestinationFolder properties.
To enable autosave feature set the Autosave property to true
After that set the DestinationFolder property to the path to folder
where uploaded files are saved. If the specified folder does not exist, HTML5/Flash Uploader will try to create it.
If you need to process the saved files in some way, then a page specified in the UploadSettings.RedirectUrl setting is the right place for this. Just put your code there and it will be executed after the upload process is completed.
The following examples show how to configure autosave for each of the server-side components.
After embedding the ImageUploaderFlash control in your page as it is described in the Quick Start with HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET topic, configure the control like it is shown below:
<aur:ImageUploaderFlash ID="Uploader1" runat="server"
DestinationFolder="~/Catalog" />
In this scenario, you have two pages - one page contains the ImageUploaderFlash control, where you configure the client-side uploader settings. In addition to them, you point out a URL of another .aspx page which accepts the uploaded files using the UploadSettings.ActionUrl property. It should contain the UploadRequest control instance.
The uploader page may look like this:
<aur:ImageUploaderFlash runat="server">
<UploadSettings ActionUrl="UploadRequestPage.aspx" />
The second page should include the UploadRequest as follows:
<aur:UploadRequest ID="UploadRequest1" runat="server"
DestinationFolder="~/Catalog" />
Since UploadHandler is not a WebForms control you
do not have to create a separate page to host it. You just create a new handler (an .ashx
file), which inherits
from the UploadHandler. For example, like this one:
public class SimpleHandler : Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.UploadHandler
public SimpleHandler ()
DestinationFolder = "~/Catalog";
AutoSave = true;
And specify a URL to this handler as a value of the UploadSettings.ActionUrl property (both absolute and relative URLs are supported).
If your file storage is located separately from your Web site (for example, on another disk or server), it is recommended to additionally specify the TempDirectory property which configures a temporary folder where ASP.NET server-side part of HTML5/Flash Uploader saves files before moving them to the DestinationFolder. Thus, TempDirectory should be located at the same disk where you store files.
HTML5/Flash Uploader prepares files on client side in the way set by converters. Each converter specifies
what to do with a file selected for upload: upload it as is or apply some transformation before upload (resize image down, extract and send icon
associated with a file, or compress a file to ZIP format). Converters
(except for SourceFile
one) add suffixes to file names uploaded to a server. For example, the
filename is the result of applying Mode="*.*=Thumbnail"
converter on name.ext
file. For a full list of possible suffixes see the ConvertedFile.Name property description.
Filenames collisions may occur while saving uploaded files to a destination folder.
If the destination folder already has a file with the same name as uploaded one,
the uploaded file will be saved under its name appended by _xx
, where xx
is a number
starting from 2
. For example, if there is a file with the name name.ext
in the destination folder and a user tries
to upload another file with the same name then uploaded file is saved as name_02.ext
file. If
file exists as well then the recently uploaded file gets name_03.ext
filename and so on.
This approach requires quite a bit of code, however, this method is more flexible than autosave described before. The main idea is to handle uploaded files and data in the FileUploaded and/or AllFilesUploaded event handlers of the mentioned before server-side components. The first event fires each time a user-specified file is successfully uploaded. The second event fires when the whole upload session completes and all the files, metadata, and additional data are received on the server side. It means that the first event fires as many times as number of files selected for upload, whereas the second one fires only once.
Now, when you understand the differences between these events, let us discuss how to create these event handlers. There are two steps to this process:
Before creating an event handler you have to select server-side component to use. If you do not know the differences between them, please, read the server-side components section of this article.
To add FileUploaded and/or AllFilesUploaded event handler for the ImageUploaderFlash control just specify event name in the control events list or add OnFileUploaded and/or OnAllFilesUploaded parameters declaratively. The following example creates both event handlers for the ImageUploaderFlash control.
<aur:ImageUploaderFlash ID="Uploader1" runat="server"
OnAllFilesUploaded="AllFilesUploaded" />
The page code-behind should contain these event handlers with the specified names:
protected void FileUploaded(object sender, Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.FileUploadedEventArgs e)
// Your code
protected void AllFilesUploaded(object sender, Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.AllFilesUploadedEventArgs e)
// Your code
The UploadRequest event handlers can be created in the same way as analogous ImageUploaderFlash event handlers described above:
<aur:UploadRequest ID="UploadRequest1" runat="server"
OnAllFilesUploaded="AllFilesUploaded" />
The same code-behind as for ImageUploaderFlash will work.
There is the example of event handler below.
When using the UploadHandler you have to create a new class
derived from the UploadHandler class and add events handlers to this new class.
In the following example the SimpleHandler class (contained in the SimpleHandler.ashx
file) is this new derived class.
public class SimpleHandler : Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.UploadHandler
public SimpleHandler()
FileUploaded += OnFileUploaded;
AllFilesUploaded += OnAllFilesUploaded;
public void OnFileUploaded(object sender, Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.FileUploadedEventArgs e)
// put your code here...
public void OnAllFilesUploaded(object sender, Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.AllFilesUploadedEventArgs e)
// put your code here...
Then implement these handlers, for instance, like it is shown in the example below.
And, finally, set the UploadSettings.ActionUrl property:
<aur:ImageUploaderFlash runat="server">
<UploadSettings ActionUrl="SimpleHandler.ashx" />
After creating a skeleton event handler you have to write its implementation. You can accomplish any operation on the uploaded data using HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET types and classes. For example, not just save all files to the same folder, but change destination depending on file type. Moreover, you can save metadata of uploaded files to your database or to an XML file which allows you to perform, for instance, various file-sorting operations. For better understanding let us separate description of the uploaded data handling into the following sections:
The ASP.NET server-side part of HTML5/Flash Uploader among its types has the UploadedFile class. This type holds all the data associated with a single file selected for upload (files prepared on client side by HTML5/Flash Uploader from the original file in accordance with converters set in the settings, additional fields, and other data). The FileUploaded and AllFilesUploaded events give access to the UploadedFile instances via arguments of their event handlers: FileUploadedEventArgs.UploadedFile and AllFilesUploadedEventArgs.UploadedFiles properties, respectively.
Now let us examine how to get access to uploaded files via the UploadedFile instances. Each UploadedFile object has associated collection of files prepared by HTML5/Flash Uploader converters on client side. Each of these files is represented by an instance of the ConvertedFile type. This way, the collection of converted files associated with a particular file selected for upload is accessible via the UploadedFile.ConvertedFiles property.
Each ConvertedFile has three main members to handle the file:
The main difference between MoveTo(String) and
SaveAs(String) methods is in the following. By the moment when the
FileUploaded or AllFilesUploaded event is fired, ASP.NET server-side part of
HTML5/Flash Uploader has already completed parsing of HTTP POST request(s) and saved files to a temporary folder which is configured
via the TempDirectory property. When you trigger the MoveTo(String) method, it moves the file from this temporary folder to the specified one.
However, when you call the SaveAs(String) method copies the file from
a temporary location to the specified folder. MoveTo(String)
method works faster when you transfer the file from a temporary location (which is in the /App_Data/
folder, by default)
to a location on the same disk. That is the difference. Thus, it is recommended to select temporary folder on the same disk where your file storage is located.
All the metadata uploaded along with a file is accessible through the UploadedFile properties and can be divided into the following groups:
This group includes properties containing information about the original file:
The ConvertedFile class provides access to some additional information along with the access to the converted file. Its properties contain the following information:
This group includes the following properties:
This example is an FileUploaded event handler implementation which saves
an original file and its resized copy to the ../Gallery/
and ../Gallery/Thumbnails/
folders respectively
and writes some file-related information (filenames, image dimensions, user description, and etc.) to an XML file.
protected void FileUploaded(object sender, Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.FileUploadedEventArgs e)
string galleryPath = Server.MapPath("Gallery/");
string thumbnailsPath = galleryPath + "Thumbnails/";
//Save original file.
//It is the first file in ConvertedFiles collection as we set first converter mode to SourceFile.
string sourceFileName = GetSafeFileName(galleryPath, e.UploadedFile.SourceName);
e.UploadedFile.ConvertedFiles[0].SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(galleryPath, sourceFileName));
//Save thumbnail.
//It is the second file in ConvertedFiles collection as we set second converter mode to Thumbnail.
string thumbnailFileName = GetSafeFileName(thumbnailsPath, e.UploadedFile.SourceName);
e.UploadedFile.ConvertedFiles[1].SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(thumbnailsPath, thumbnailFileName));
//Save file info.
System.Xml.XmlDocument descriptions = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
if (System.IO.File.Exists(galleryPath + "Descriptions.xml"))
descriptions.Load(galleryPath + "Descriptions.xml");
System.Xml.XmlElement file = descriptions.CreateElement("file");
file.SetAttribute("name", sourceFileName);
file.SetAttribute("thumbName", thumbnailFileName);
file.SetAttribute("width", Convert.ToString(e.UploadedFile.SourceWidth));
file.SetAttribute("height", Convert.ToString(e.UploadedFile.SourceHeight));
file.SetAttribute("description", e.UploadedFile.Description);
//Save xml file with uploaded files info.
descriptions.Save(galleryPath + "Descriptions.xml");
private string GetSafeFileName(string path, string fileName)
// ...
The last way of handling uploaded files is to parse the request manually via the intrinsic Request
object of System.Web.HttpRequest class. Before the Page_Load method is called,
the upload request should be converted to the standart RFC1867 format. To perform it you should add a reference to the
Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.dll to your project and add the UploaderModule
module to your web.config
, like follows:
<!-- other sections -->
<!-- other sections -->
<!-- IIS6 or IIS7 in Classic mode -->
<!-- other modules -->
<add name="UploaderModule" type="Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.UploaderModule"/>
<!-- other sections -->
<!-- other sections -->
<!-- other sections -->
<!-- IIS7 in Integrated mode -->
<!-- Remove <httpModules> and uncomment this section
if you use Integrated mode instead of Classic.
You can check the pipeline mode in the
Application Pool basic settings.
Alternatively, you can add this param (not recommended):
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<add name="UploaderModule" type="Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.UploaderModule"/>
<!-- other sections -->
<!-- other sections -->
If you choose this approach we do not recommend enabling chunks, otherwise, you will have to write significant amount of non-trivial server-side code to assembly the files on your server.
To simplify accessing the POST request fields HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET provides the PostFields class. The following code sample saves original files, thumbnails, and original file-related information using described approach.
private void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (System.String.Equals(Request.RequestType, "POST"))
string galleryPath = Server.MapPath("Gallery/");
string thumbnailsPath = galleryPath + "Thumbnails/";
string originalFileName = Request[string.Format(PostFields.SourceName, 0)];
// save original file
string sourceFileName = GetSafeFileName(galleryPath, originalFileName);
HttpPostedFile sourceFile = Request.Files[string.Format(PostFields.File, 0, 0)];
if (sourceFile != null)
sourceFile.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(galleryPath, sourceFileName));
// save thumbnail
string thumbnailFileName = GetSafeFileName(thumbnailsPath, originalFileName);
HttpPostedFile thumbnailFile = Request.Files[string.Format(PostFields.File, 1, 0)];
if (thumbnailFile != null)
thumbnailFile.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(thumbnailsPath, thumbnailFileName));
//Save file info.
System.Xml.XmlDocument descriptions = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
if (System.IO.File.Exists(galleryPath + "Descriptions.xml"))
descriptions.Load(galleryPath + "Descriptions.xml");
System.Xml.XmlElement file = descriptions.CreateElement("file");
file.SetAttribute("name", sourceFileName);
file.SetAttribute("thumbName", thumbnailFileName);
file.SetAttribute("width", Request[string.Format(PostFields.SourceWidth, 0)]);
file.SetAttribute("height", Request[string.Format(PostFields.SourceHeight, 0)]);
file.SetAttribute("description", Request[string.Format(PostFields.Description, 0)]);
//Save xml file with uploaded files info.
descriptions.Save(galleryPath + "Descriptions.xml");
private string GetSafeFileName(string path, string fileName)
// ...