Gets or sets a number of tries that should be performed to submit files.
public function getAutoRecoveryMaxAttemptCount() { } public function setAutoRecoveryMaxAttemptCount($value) { }
Type: integer
The number of attempts for upload to do (including the very first attempt). If you want to disable automatic resuming feature, set this property to 1
Default value is 1.
By default, HTML5/Flash Uploader will try to recover upload in the following situations:
You can override this behavior with AutoRecoveryFilter param.
Time interval between each next retry is configured with the AutoRecoveryTimeout property.
HTML5/Flash Uploader tries to resend the request that has failed. If the request (package) contains more than one file, these files will be resent again. It means that if you use the auto-recovering feature, the optimal value for the FilesPerPackage
property would be 1