metadata.valueSeparator Property HTML5/Flash Uploader JavaScript

Supported technologies: Adobe Flash

Gets or sets a sequence of characters used to separate strings stored in one metadata field (such as IptcKeyword).


JavaScript Initialize
: {
//...other params...
: " ",
//...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
= $au.imageUploaderFlash('uploaderID').metadata().valueSeparator();

Property Value

Type: String

The sequence of characters used to separate strings stored in one metadata field.

Default value is " ".


Some metadata fields like IptcKeyword can contain multiple string values. Suppose, you upload an image which contains several keywords (portrait, old photo, black and white) stored in one IptcKeyword field. If you specified this field for upload, using the iptc property, the IptcKeyword_0 POST field will contain all these keywords gathered into one string separated with this property value. For example, if you set it to the ";" you will get the "portrait;old photo;black and white" POST field value.

See Also

