BaseControl.Type Property HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET

Supported technologies: Adobe FlashHTML 5

Gets or sets type or priority of HTML5/Flash Uploader controls.

Namespace: Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash
Assembly: Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash (in Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash.dll)


public string Type { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: System..String

Type or priority of HTML5/Flash Uploader controls.

Possible values are:

  • html|flash the HTML5 control is used by default and the Flash control is used if the browser does not support HTML5.
  • flash|html the Flash control is used by default and the HTML5 control is used if the browser does not support Flash.
  • html the HTML5 control is used; if the browser does not support HTML5 the message appears.
  • flash the Flash control is used; if the browser does not support Flash the message appears.

You can use this property to change default controls priority or to specify the only control to use.


<aur:ImageUploaderFlash ID="Uploader1" runat="server" 

See Also
