This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

Working with EXIF and IPTC Metadata

Metadata are the additional data that image contains. Such information can be used, for example:

  • to provide higher results during printing
  • to get exact date and time of the image creation
  • to categorize images
  • to implement advanced image search

Image Uploader Flash works with two metadata formats: EXIF and IPTC.

When an image is captured, the capturing device writes EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) information about the image into the captured file. EXIF fields may contain such information as camera parameters during capturing, date and time of the capturing, photographer's name, and etc. It can even contain GPS information. For more information about EXIF, please, see the EXIF Specification article.

IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) Information Interchange Model is widely used in journalism to keep such information as byline, subject, location, and etc. For more information about the IPTC format, please, see the IPTC Specification article.

Image Uploader Flash supports the following metadata-related features:

Preserving EXIF and IPTC Metadata While Creating Thumbnails

You can make Image Uploader Flash send transformed (resized, rotated, and etc.) images. However, you may wonder what happens with EXIF and IPTC metadata when you perform imaging operations with Image Uploader Flash. It is especially important when you process uploaded images with some specific software, e.g. for printing them at photo labs.

Fortunately, you can preserve EXIF and IPTC metadata using the ThumbnailCopyExifThumbnailCopyExif (ASP.NET)ThumbnailCopyExif (PHP)thumbnailCopyExif (JavaScript) and ThumbnailCopyIptcThumbnailCopyIptc (ASP.NET)ThumbnailCopyIptc (PHP)thumbnailCopyIptc (JavaScript) properties of the ConverterConverter (ASP.NET)Converter (PHP)converter (JavaScript) class. Just set the property to true and metadata of chosen type will be embedded in the corresponding thumbnail.

Default value of the discussing property is false, this allows making uploaded thumbnails a bit smaller.

The following example configures the converter to create thumbnails with both types of metadata (EXIF and IPTC) preserved.

<aur:ImageUploaderFlash ID="Uploader1" runat="server">
        <aur:Converter Mode="*.*=Thumbnail" 
$uploader = new ImageUploaderFlash("Uploader1");
$converters = &$uploader->getConverters();
$converter = new Converter();
$converters[] = $converter;
var fu = $au.imageUploaderFlash({
    id: 'Uploader1',
    converters: [{mode: '*.*=Thumbnail', 
        thumbnailCopyExif: true,
        thumbnailCopyIptc: true}]

See Also



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