This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

UploadPane.ViewMode Property

Gets or sets a view mode for the upload pane.


PHP Initialize
public function getViewMode() {

public function setViewMode($value) {

Property Value

Type: string

The view mode for the upload pane.

The following values are supported:

ThumbnailsImages are displayed as thumbnails, non-images are displayed as icons. It is possible to attach a description to each file. If a file is recognized as image, it can be rotated.
TilesEach file appears as a thumbnail (or icon for non-image files), with a file name and details (file type, last modification date, and file size) on the right. It is possible to attach a description to each file. If a file is recognized as image, it can be rotated.
IconsFiles are displayed as icons with their names on the right.

Default value is "Tiles".

See Also

