This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

messages.tooManyFilesSelectedToOpen Property

Gets or sets the message displayed when the limit of the number of files Image Uploader Flash can add to the Upload Pane at once is reached.


JavaScript Initialize
    messages: {
        //...other params...
        tooManyFilesSelectedToOpen: "Image Uploader Flash is unable to add selected amount of files to upload list at once. Please break the files set into subsets and add them separately.",
        //...other params...
Get/Set Value at Runtime
value = $au.imageUploaderFlash('uploaderID').messages().tooManyFilesSelectedToOpen();

Property Value

Type: String

The message displayed when the limit of the number of files Image Uploader Flash can add to the Upload Pane at once is reached.

Default value is "Image Uploader Flash is unable to add selected amount of files to upload list at once. Please break the files set into subsets and add them separately.".


This property is necessary for localization of Image Uploader Flash.

See Also
