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PostFields Fields

The PostFields type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public field Static member Angle

Represents the name of the field which contains a rotation angle.

Public field Static member CropBounds

This field name is reserved for the future versions.

Public field Static member Description

Represents the name of the field which contains a user-provided description of the original file.

Public field Static member File

Represents the name of the field which contains a converted file.

Public field Static member FileHeight

Represents the name of the field which contains an actual height of the converted file.

Public field Static member FileMode

Represents the name of the field which contains the mode of the converted file.

Public field Static member FileName

Represents the name of the field which contains the name of the converted file.

Public field Static member FileSize

Represents the name of the field which contains the size of the converted file.

Public field Static member FileWidth

Represents the name of the field which contains an actual width of the converted file.

Public field Static member HorizontalResolution

Represents the name of the field which contains a horizontal resolution of the original file.

Public field Static member PackageComplete

Represents the name of the field which is sent in the end of the package.

Public field Static member PackageCount

Represents the name of the field which contains a total number of packages (i.e. requests) in the current upload session.

Public field Static member PackageFileCount

Represents the name of the field which contains the number of files uploaded in the current package.

Public field Static member PackageGuid

Represents the name of the field which contains a unique identifier of the current upload session.

Public field Static member PackageIndex

Represents the name of the field which contains a zero-based index of the package inside the current upload session.

Public field Static member RequestComplete

Represents the name of the field which is sent in the end of the upload request.

Public field Static member SourceCreatedDateTime

Represents the name of the field which contains a creation date of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceCreatedDateTimeLocal

Represents the name of the field which contains a local creation date of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceHeight

Represents the name of the field which contains the height of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceLastModifiedDateTime

Represents the name of the field which contains a last modification date of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceLastModifiedDateTimeLocal

Represents the name of the field which contains a local last modification date of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceName

Represents the name of the field which contains the name of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceSize

Represents the name of the field which contains the size of the original file.

Public field Static member SourceWidth

Represents the name of the field which contains the width of the original file.

Public field Static member Tag

This field name is reserved for the future versions.

Public field Static member VerticalResolution

Represents the name of the field which contains a vertical resolution of the original file.

See Also
