| Name | Description |
addFilesProgressDialog |
Gets or sets settings of the dialog which appears when a user selects quite a lot of files.
cancelUploadButtonText |
Gets or sets a caption of the Cancel button.
commonDialog |
Gets or sets the common dialog settings.
converters |
Gets or sets the collection of converters.
descriptionEditor |
Gets or sets the description editor settings.
enableAutoRotation |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatic EXIF-based photo rotation feature is enabled.
enableDescriptionEditor |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is possible to add descriptions to files.
enableRotation |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is possible to rotate images via Image Uploader Flash GUI.
events |
Gets or sets the collection of client-side events.
files |
Gets or sets a collection of user-selected files.
flashControl |
Gets or sets the Flash control.
height |
Gets or sets the height of the control.
id |
Gets or sets a unique identifier of the control.
imagePreviewWindow |
Gets or sets the Image Preview window settings.
licenseKey |
Gets or sets the license key which allows to evaluate, develop, or publish Image Uploader Flash according to the license key type (trial, development, or full).
locale |
Gets or sets the control locale.
messages |
Gets or sets messages.
metadata |
Gets or sets an additional upload data.
paneItem |
Gets or sets the pane item settings.
restrictions |
Gets or sets the upload restrictions.
statusPane |
Gets or sets the Status Panel settings.
topPane |
Gets or sets the Top Panel settings.
uploadButtonText |
Gets or sets a caption of the button which starts the upload of the selected files.
uploadErrorDialog |
Gets or sets the Upload Error dialog settings.
uploadPane |
Gets or sets the Upload Pane settings.
uploadSettings |
Gets or sets the upload settings.
width |
Gets or sets width of the control.