Gets or sets an HTML-like template of the data displayed inside a tile.
public function getTileTemplate() {
public function setTileTemplate($value) {
Type: string
HTML-like template of the data, which is displayed inside the tile in the upload pane.Default value is "<p>[FileName]</p><p style="color: #555555">[FileType] [FileSize]</p>".
A tile template is a string, which can include simple text, HTML tags, and predefined variables. Within a template you can use the following:
and <span>
, rows
(for <p>
tag only), width
(for <span>
tag only; in percents or in pixels), and align
(for <span>
tag only; can be left
, right
, and center
, font-size
(percent value, pixels like 12px
, or points like 10pt
), font-style
or normal
), and font-weight
or normal
)The following predefined variables are available in templates:
Variable name | Returned value |
FileName | file name |
FileSize | file size |
FileType | file type |
DateModified | file last modification date |
Dimensions | image size in pixels; an empty string for non-image files |
Description | user-given description of the file |
Tag | tag of the file; the tag can be specified via the tag property |
To utilize a predefined variable in a template, you should put variable's name in square brackets.
White spaces are not allowed between the '<' and the tag name, between '</' and the tag name, or inside '/>'.
The sample below demonstrates how to use tags, style, and predefined variables described previously; you can see the resulting tiles in the following figure:
$uploader = new Uploader("Uploader1");
$uploader->getFolderPane()->setTileTemplate('<p>[fileName]</p>' .
'<p style="font-size: 85%; color: #555555" >Size: ' .
'<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #000000">[FileSize]</span></p>' .
'<p style="font-size: 85%; color: #555555" >Resolution: ' .
'<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #000000">[Dimensions]</span></p>' .
'<p rows="3" style="font-size: 85%; color: #555555">Description: ' .
'<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #000000">[Description]</span></p>');