This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

folderPane.headerText Property

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a text of the Folder pane header.


JavaScript Initialize
: {
//...other params...
: "<totalLink>total [totalCount]</totalLink>, <allowedLink>Allowed [allowedCount]</allowedLink>",
//...other params...

Property Value

Type: String

The text of the Folder pane header. It can contain the following placeholders:

replaced by the total number of files.
replaced by the number of allowed files.

Also this text can contain the following tags:

defines a hyperlink allowing users to display all files contained in the current folder (regardless of applied restrictions).
defines a hyperlink allowing users to display only those files in the current folder which fit specified restrictions.

Default value is "<totalLink>total [totalCount]</totalLink>, <allowedLink>Allowed [allowedCount]</allowedLink>".


This property is necessary for localization of Image Uploader.

See Also
