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PaneItem.CheckedItemColor Property

Supported browsers: Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle ChromeSafari

Gets or sets a color of the checked pane item.

Namespace: Aurigma.ImageUploader
Assembly: Aurigma.ImageUploader (in Aurigma.ImageUploader.dll)


Visual Basic
Public Property CheckedItemColor As GradientColor
public GradientColor CheckedItemColor { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Aurigma.ImageUploader.GradientColor

The color of the checked pane item.

This element supports linear gradient fills, so this property accepts specifying color in the following format: <PropertyName Color1="#aaaaaa" Color2="#bbbbbb" />, where #aaaaaa specifies a top gradient color and #bbbbbb - a bottom. Both colors should be specified in a hex representation of the RGB triad in HTML-style syntax. If the only one color is set, the element appears solid.

Default value is #ffffff;#ffffff.

See Also
