AltInstallerHtml |
Sets an HTML-marked text appended to installation instructions and saying how to install Image Uploader in an alternative way
(e.g. use a standalone installer).
BeforeIE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml |
Sets installation instructions for Internet Explorer 6 running on version of Windows earlier than Windows XP Service Pack 2.
BeforeIE6XPSP2ProgressHtml |
Set downloading instructions for Internet Explorer 6 running on version of Windows earlier than Windows XP Service Pack 2.
CommonHtml |
Sets an HTML-marked description of Image Uploader displayed on the both stages (downloading and installation).
IE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml |
Sets installation instructions for Internet Explorer 6 running on version of Windows equal to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher.
IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml |
Sets downloading instructions for Internet Explorer 6 running on version of Windows equal to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher.
IE7InstructionsHtml |
Sets installation instructions for Internet Explorer 7.
IE7ProgressHtml |
Sets downloading instructions for Internet Explorer 7.
IE8InstructionsHtml |
Sets installation instructions for Internet Explorer 8.
IE8ProgressHtml |
Sets downloading instructions for Internet Explorer 8.
IE9InstructionsHtml |
Sets installation instructions for Internet Explorer 9.
IE9ProgressHtml |
Sets downloading instructions for Internet Explorer 9.
InstallJavaHtml |
Sets installation instructions for non-Internet Explorer browsers.
InstructionsCssClass |
Sets a CSS class name to apply it to the installation screen. This class should be declared in a source code of the page Image Uploader
is added to, or in the external CSS file linked to this page.
MacInstallJavaHtml |
Sets installation instructions for Mac browsers.
ProgressCssClass |
Sets a CSS class name to apply it to the downloading screen. This class should be declared in a source code of the page Image Uploader
is added to, or in the external CSS file linked to this page.
ProgressHtml |
Sets a text saying that the download of Image Uploader is in progress.
ProgressImageUrl |
Sets a URL to a custom image which replaces a default wait indicator.
ShowDownloadingScreen |
Sets a value indicating whether the downloading screen should be displayed.
ShowInstallationScreen |
Sets a value indicating whether the installation screen should be displayed.
UpdateInstructions |
Sets common instructions on how to update Image Uploader control.