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thumbnail Members

The thumbnail type exposes the following members.


Public method getHtml Generates the HTML code which will embed the thumbnail control and returns it as a string.
Public method writeHtml Generates the HTML code which will embed the thumbnail control and writes this code directly into the page.


Public property activeXControl Gets or sets the ActiveX control settings.
Public property backgroundColor Gets or sets a background color of this thumbnail instance.
Public property events Gets or sets a collection of client-side events.
Public property guid Gets or sets a unique identifier (GUID) of the item which is represented with this thumbnail instance.
Public property height Gets or sets a height of this thumbnail instance.
Public property id Gets or sets a unique identifier of the thumbnail control.
Public property javaControl Gets or sets the Java applet settings.
Public property parentControlName The uploader control name this thumbnail instance is associated with.
Public property width Gets or sets a width of this thumbnail instance.