This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

Messages Members

The Messages type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Name Description
Public property CmykImagesNotAllowed

Gets or sets a message which states that the selected image is CMYK, when CMYK images are denied for the upload.

Public property DeletingFilesError

Gets or sets a message which states that the uploaded file cannot be deleted.

Public property DimensionsTooLarge

Gets or sets a message which states that the width or height of the selected image is too large.

Public property DimensionsTooSmall

Gets or sets a message which states that the width or height of selected image is too small.

Public property FileNameNotAllowed

Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select a file, the name of which is not allowed.

Public property FileSizeTooSmall

Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select a file that is too small.

Public property FilesNotAdded

Gets or sets the message displayed when a user tries to add files and some of them were not added because of restrictions.

Public property MaxFileCountExceeded

Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select too many files.

Public property MaxFileSizeExceeded

Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select a file which is too big.

Public property MaxTotalFileSizeExceeded

Gets or sets a message which states that the total size of selected files is too large.

Public property NoResponseFromServer

Gets or sets a message which states that an error was encountered when sending a request to the server and the server did not return any response.

Public property ServerError

Gets or sets a message which states that an error occured.

Public property ServerNotFound

Gets or sets a message which states that the server, specified in the UploadSettings.ActionUrl parameter cannot be found.

Public property UnexpectedError

Gets or sets a user-friendly message for errors which are meaningful to website developer only.

Public property UploadCancelled

Gets or sets a message which states that a user cancelled the upload.

Public property UploadCompleted

Gets or sets a message which notifies that the upload is successfully finished.

Public property UploadFailed

Gets or sets a message which states that the upload failed because the connection was broken.

See Also
