Name of the ImageUploader control instance this thumbnail is associated with.
<script type="text/javascript" src="iuembed.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tw = new ThumbnailWriter("ThumbnailID", 610, 500);
//...other params...
tw.addParam("ParentControlName", "");
//...other params...
value = getImageUploader("ThumbnailID").getParentControlName();
A string value containing a name of the ImageUploader control instance this thumbnail is associated with.
Default value is "".
After you associate this Thumbnail control with a parent ImageUploader, you should bind it with some item from the upload list. To do it, set the Guid property to the GUID of this item. You can get it using the ImageUploader.UploadFileGuid property.