List of EXIF fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.
Aurigma.ImageUploader (in Aurigma.ImageUploader.dll)
Public Property ExtractExif As String
public string ExtractExif { get; set; }
A string value which consists of EXIF field names which you want to extract separated with a semicolon.
You will find possible names of EXIF fields in the table below.
Field name | Description |
ExifApertureValue | The lens aperture (in APEX units). |
ExifArtist | The name of photographer or image creator. |
ExifBitsPerSample | The number of bits per image component. |
ExifBrightnessValue | The brightness value (in APEX units). |
ExifCFAPattern | The color filter pattern. |
ExifColorSpace | The color space of the image. |
ExifComponentsConfiguration | The order of pixel channels (components). |
ExifCompressedBitsPerPixel | The number of bits per pixel in the compressed image. |
ExifCompression | The compression type. |
ExifContrast | The contrast settings applied when images was captured. |
ExifCopyright | The copyright information. |
ExifCustomRendered | Value that indicates that special processing was applied to the image. |
ExifDateTime | The date and time of image creation. |
ExifDateTimeDigitized | The date and time when the image was converted into digital representation. |
ExifDateTimeOriginal | The date and time when the original file was created. |
ExifDeviceSettingDescription | The description of the image capturing device settings. |
ExifDigitalZoomRatio | The digital zoom ratio. |
ExifExifVersion | The version of the EXIF specification this data is stored at. |
ExifExposureBiasValue | The exposure bias (in APEX units). |
ExifExposureIndex | The exposure index of the device when image is being captured. |
ExifExposureMode | The exposure mode. |
ExifExposureProgram | The exposure program. |
ExifExposureTime | The exposure time (in seconds). |
ExifFileSource | The image source. |
ExifFlash | The flash status. |
ExifFlashEnergy | The flash energy (in BCPS). |
ExifFlashPixVersion | The version of FlashPix format. |
ExifFNumber | The F number. |
ExifFocalLength | The focal length of the lens (in millimeters). |
ExifFocalLengthIn35mmFilm | The focal length of the lens assuming 35mm film camera is used (in millimeters). |
ExifFocalPlaneResolutionUnit | The unit to measure focal plane resolution with (i.e. ExifFocalPlaneXResolution and ExifFocalPlaneYResolution). |
ExifFocalPlaneXResolution | The horizontal resolution of the camera focal plane. |
ExifFocalPlaneYResolution | The vertical resolution of the camera focal plane. |
ExifGainControl | The overall image gain adjustment. |
ExifGpsAltitude | The altitude. |
ExifGpsAltitudeRef | The altitude reference. |
ExifGpsAreaInformation | The name of GPS area. |
ExifGpsDateStamp | The GPS datestamp. |
ExifGpsDestBearing | The bearing to the destination point (in degrees). |
ExifGpsDestBearingRef | The reference for giving the bearing to the destination point. |
ExifGpsDestDistance | The distance to the destination point. |
ExifGpsDestDistanceRef | The unit for distance to the destination point. |
ExifGpsDestLatitude | The destination point latitude. |
ExifGpsDestLatitudeRef | The destination point latitude reference (north or south). |
ExifGpsDestLongitude | The destination point longitude. |
ExifGpsDestLongitudeRef | The destination point longitude reference (west or east). |
ExifGpsDifferential | The GPS differential correction. |
ExifGpsDOP | The GPS data degree of precision. |
ExifGpsImgDirection | The direction of the image when it was captured (in degrees). |
ExifGpsImgDirectionRef | The reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured. |
ExifGpsLatitude | The latitude. |
ExifGpsLatitudeRef | The latitude reference (north or south). |
ExifGpsLongitude | The longitude. |
ExifGpsLongitudeRef | The longitude reference (west or east). |
ExifGpsMapDatum | The geodetic survey data. |
ExifGpsMeasureMode | The GPS measurement mode. |
ExifGpsProcessingMethod | The name of GPS processing method. |
ExifGpsSatellites | The details about GPS satellites used in measurement. |
ExifGpsSpeed | The speed of the GPS receiver movement. |
ExifGpsSpeedRef | The Unit for speed of movement of GPS receiver. |
ExifGpsStatus | The status of GPS receiver when image was recorded. |
ExifGpsTimeStamp | The GPS timestamp (in UTC). |
ExifGpsTrack | The direction of GPS receiver movement (in degrees). |
ExifGpsTrackRef | The reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. |
ExifGpsVersionID | The version of the GPSVersionID tag. |
ExifImageDescription | The title of the image. |
ExifImageHeight | The height of the image in pixels. |
ExifImageUniqueID | The 128-bit unique ID of the image. |
ExifImageWidth | The width of the image in pixels. |
ExifInteroperabilityIndex | The index of interoperability rule. |
ExifISOSpeedRatings | The ISO speed and the ISO latitude of the device. |
ExifLightSource | The light source. |
ExifMake | The name of manufacturer of the camera (or other recording equipment). |
ExifMakerNote | The custom comments. May contain any information maker want to store. |
ExifMaxApertureValue | The smallest F of the lens (in APEX units). |
ExifMeteringMode | The metering mode. |
ExifModel | The name of the model of the camera (or other recording equipment). |
ExifOECF | The opto-electronic conversion function. |
ExifOrientation | The orientation of image (how it is rotated relative to the top left corner). |
ExifPhotometricInterpretation | The pixel composition. |
ExifPixelXDimension | The valid width of the meaningful image. |
ExifPixelYDimension | The valid height of the meaningful image. |
ExifPlanarConfiguration | The planar configuration of the pixel components (planar or chunky). |
ExifPrimaryChromaticities | The chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image. |
ExifReferenceBlackWhite | The reference for black and white point of the image. |
ExifRelatedSoundFile | The name of an audio file associated with this image. |
ExifResolutionUnit | The unit image resolution is measured in (i.e. ExifXResolution and ExifYResolution). |
ExifRowsPerStrip | Rows per strip (if image is divided into strips). |
ExifSamplesPerPixel | The number of components (channels) in one pixel. |
ExifSaturation | The saturation settings applied when images was captured. |
ExifSceneCaptureType | The type of scene was captured by camera (landscape, night scene, portrait, etc). |
ExifSceneType | The type of scene. |
ExifSensingMethod | The sensor type of the device. |
ExifSharpness | The sharpness settings applied when images was captured. |
ExifShutterSpeed | The shutter speed (in APEX units). |
ExifSoftware | The name of the software that created this image. |
ExifSpatialFrequencyResponse | The spatial frequency response values. |
ExifSpectralSensitivity | The spectral sensitivity. |
ExifStripByteCounts | The total number of bytes in one strip. |
ExifStripOffsets | The bitmap stride (byte offset between strips). |
ExifSubjectArea | The subject area. |
ExifSubjectDistance | The distance to the subject (in meters). |
ExifSubjectDistanceRange | The kind of distance to the subject (macro, close, or distant). |
ExifSubjectLocation | The location of the main subject in the scene. |
ExifSubSecTime | The fractions of seconds for the ExifDateTime field. |
ExifSubSecTimeDigitized | The fractions of seconds for the ExifDateTimeDigitized field. |
ExifSubSecTimeOriginal | The fractions of seconds for the ExifDateTimeOriginal field. |
ExifThumbnailBitsPerSample | The number of bits per channel in the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailCompression | The compression type of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailHeight | The height of the thumbnail in pixel. |
ExifThumbnailOrientation | The orientation of the thumbnail (how it is rotated relative to the top left corner). |
ExifThumbnailPhotometricInterpretation | The pixel composition of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailResolutionUnit | The unit thumbnail resolution is measured in (i.e. ExifThumbnailXResolution and ExifThumbnailYResolution). |
ExifThumbnailRowsPerStrip | Rows per strip in the thumbnail (if thumbnail is divided into strips). |
ExifThumbnailSamplesPerPixel | The number of components (channels) in one pixel of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailStripByteCounts | The total number of bytes in one strip of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailStripOffsets | The thumbnail stride (byte offset between strips). |
ExifThumbnailWidth | The width of the thumbnail in pixels. |
ExifThumbnailXResolution | The horizontal resolution of the thumbnail. |
ExifThumbnailYResolution | The vertical resolution of the thumbnail. |
ExifTransferFunction | The transfer function in tabular form. |
ExifUserComment | The additional comments or keywords on the image available for users. |
ExifWhiteBalance | The mode of the white balance when the image was captured. |
ExifWhitePoint | The white point of the image. |
ExifXResolution | The horizontal resolution of the image. |
ExifYCbCrCoefficients | The coefficients used during the transformation between RGB and YCbCr color spaces. |
ExifYCbCrPositioning | The position of chrominance components relative to the luminosity component. |
ExifYCbCrSubSampling | Sampling ratio of the chrominance components relative to the luminosity component. |
ExifYResolution | The vertical resolution of the image. |
All date/time values have the following format:
YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss
E.g. 11th of May 2006, 2:40PM would be represented as:
2006:05:11 14:40:00
For more details regarding interpretation of these values, refer to the EXIF specification.
Default value is "" (no EXIF data is extracted).