Upgrading from File Downloader 2.0

This topic discusses how to upgrade from Aurigma File Downloader 2.x to Aurigma File Downloader 7.0.

Changes in File Downloader Licensing

Since File Downloader 7.0 you can order a maintenance subscription. With this subscription you are eligible for free updates regardless to the version number. You get both minor and major updates at no charge. Refer the Legal Notices topic to find the full licensing conditions. Contact sales@aurigma.com for all license-related questions.

Steps to Update File Downloader

Please follow these steps to upgrade from Aurigma File Downloader 2.x to Aurigma File Downloader 7.0:

  1. Copy new File Downloader files to the server:
    • FileDownloader7.cab
    • FileDownloader7_x64.cab
    • FileDownloader7.jar
    • iuembed.js
  2. Make sure that codebase setting of the ActiveX control is configured properly (it should contain relative or absolute URL pointing to FileDownloader7.cabfile, e.g. fd.activeXControlCodeBase = "/Scripts/FileDownloader7.cab").
  3. Make sure that codebase setting of the 64-bit ActiveX control is configured properly (it should contain relative or absolute URL pointing to FileDownloader7_x64.cabfile, e.g. fd.activeXControlCodeBase64 = "/Scripts/FileDownloader7_x64.cab").
  4. Make sure that codebase setting of the Java applet is configured properly (it should point to the folder where FileDownloader7.jar file is placed, e.g. fd.javaAppletCodeBase = "/Scripts/").
  5. Make sure that file name of the Java applet is configured in your sxript properly (e.g. fd.javaAppletJarFileName = "FileDownloader7.jar").
  6. Review File Downloader members you are using and modify your code to reflect changes in API. You can find the list of API changes in the next section of this topic.
  7. Update the full license key. Contact sales@aurigma.com for all license upgrade questions.
  8. If you want to use some new features of Aurigma File Downloader 7.0 check out this documentation. In particular, it is recommended to examine the What's New? topic to see what new features are added and where to read about them more detailed.

List of API Changes

The table below contains a list of changes in File Downloader API.

Old Member Name New Member Name Comments
Error Error Parameters are renamed, a new parameter is added, and some error codes are changed.
DownloadComplete DownloadComplete Some result values are changed.
DownloadItemComplete DownloadItemComplete Some result values are changed.
DownloadFileAdd DownloadFileAdd() Parameter order is changed.
LogFileDeniedInProtectedModeText Eliminated.
MessageMaxFileCountExceededText Eliminated.
BrowseForFolderDialogText Eliminated.
ShowProgressDialog New property.
SkipCurrent() New method.
SkipAll() New method.
ProgressDialogDownloadingFileText Eliminated.
ProgressDialogToText Eliminated.
ProgressDialogTimeLeftText Eliminated.
ProgressDialogRateText Eliminated.
ProgressDialogDataAmountText ProgressDialogDataAmountText Default value is changed.
ProgressDialogDownloadDetailsText New property.
ProgressDialogWaitingForRetryText New property.
MegabyteRateText New property.
KilobyteRateText New property.
JreVersion New property.
javaAppletClassName New FileDownloaderWriter property.
javaAppletCodeBase New FileDownloaderWriter property.
javaAppletEnabled New FileDownloaderWriter property.
javaAppletJarFileName New FileDownloaderWriter property.
javaAppletVersion New FileDownloaderWriter property.
activeXControlCodeBase64 New FileDownloaderWriter property.

See Also

